katandrol question


New member
What's up guys, I am somewhat new to mr. supps. Before just buying beastdrol stack with them ( I was surprisingly impressed) I was all about test dbol and clen or Anavar (var). Now I am trying to get real lean muscle, I will bulk in spring. Just want to hear what I can expect with katandrol for those who have exp. I know sides are nothing really but I already have couple bottles of stanzol left over, also have blood pressure,joint and liver support if need be.

if your looking to add and gain id strongly reccomend you look at the helladrol rather than the katana, the katana will shred you up but youll get good/more lean gains from the helladrol buddy.
If you wanna add alot of mass go for the dieselbolan and run the katana onlongside it to keep it leaner. Katana isnt methylated so no prob stacking them together.

Have a little look about and give it some thought but id reccomend running a stronger one if you want gains/size along with the leaness.
Yeah i've heard of helladrol never looked into it, I assumed it was a bulk just by it's name lol. I am contemplating like I said im looking to cut and gain.a little muscle, not trying to go crazy. As long as I shred most of the body fat I need to and not lose muscle it's all I need. Sides I am going to assume much more for Hella then katana, leaning straight katandrol, I actually have left over beast drol that could run 10Mg a day just to make sure I don't lose muscle.
Mr.supps is legit though, you just assume it's not really going to give you effects like dbol clen etc because it is widely advertised but the beastdrol ran with test.was just as effective. After couple my gear sources were busted took a chance on them and do not regret it, might not turn back to real roids for awhile, props to mrsupps
Getting some test from generic will run katandrol and slight beast at 10 Mg,I will post a log soon with cycle details
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Never had any intention taking more then10mg of beast, I said I might take 10 of beast because i was looking threw some logs where couple said they were getting real cut but strength was not there. The majority I have looked at though has been good for strength and great for cut, which is what I want. Trust I have seen what just 30mg of beast does that is not what I am going for this cycle
Katana on it's way as well as test and forged burner, have forma stanzol,clomid, forged pct,also joint,bp if needed. Looking foward
Katana on it's way as well as test and forged burner, have forma stanzol,clomid, forged pct,also joint,bp if needed. Looking foward

if your running orals i would make the additon of N2guard to help your liver and blood pressure buddy, do not add the beastdrol without running this aswell.