kayne labs please have a look


New member
alright fellas, after months of searching for a solid source this is what i have come up with.

2 x test e
2 x deca
1 x liquid arimidex
1 x nolvadex
1 x clomid
3 hcg

has anyone heard of TRUE NORTH phara?? i know i should have stuck with kayne but that purchased before i found kayne labs. my main question is do i have sufficient gear for a full cycle(mainly concern with test/deca)?

critique would be appreciated
If this is your 1st cycle Id say there is no need for the deca. If you are going to use it anyway, plan on using a prolactin antagonizer like prami or caber along with it.

You need more test even for a beginner cycle. Just one more vial will do.

How much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is that total? 6k IUs? 15k IUs? Generally its a safe rule of thumb to get 10k IUs per cycle.

Everything else looks good. Happy cycling
If this is your 1st cycle Id say there is no need for the deca. If you are going to use it anyway, plan on using a prolactin antagonizer like prami or caber along with it.

You need more test even for a beginner cycle. Just one more vial will do.

How much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is that total? 6k IUs? 15k IUs? Generally its a safe rule of thumb to get 10k IUs per cycle.

Everything else looks good. Happy cycling

yes i am aware of deca dick. but taking prolactin is not necessary is it? just have it on hand just in case?
yes i am aware of deca dick. but taking prolactin is not necessary is it? just have it on hand just in case?

I never said anything about Deca dick. In fact I don't subscribe to the theory. I believe its necessary if you want to keep your prolactin levels in normal range. Especially if you have no idea how Deca let alone any other compound might affect you. Nothing is to have on hand. I don't believe in that either.
thanks for the replies.

alright so a new week is about to start and i was planning on cycling this following monday. and here is what i was planning on doing.

monday 250mg of test e + 150mg of deca

tuesdday Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu

thursday 250mg of test e + 150 mg of deca

friday Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu

following week: monday/thursday will be Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 250iu
: tuesday/friday 250mg test e +150 mg of deca

so total a week will be: test e @ 500mg + deca @ 300 mg and 500IU of HCG/week - for 12 weeks and will be dropping DECA at week 10.

liquid adex EoD or E3D at .25mg

12-14 days after last shot of test e increase my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dosage too 500iu EVERYDAY for 10 days - 4 days after that start my PCT treatment with clomid/nolvadex @

how does this look from beginning to end??
and critique would be greatly appreciated.
what is confusing the most is, when exactly do i do my blast Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) phase.

i know test e has a half life of 14-21 days in your system and my cycle is 12 weeks long. so while i wait for the test E to clear out of my system( while i wait is this the time i do my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast @ 500iu x 10 days? and 4 days after that i start my serm treatment?) sorry i know it may seem confusing?

thank you
i have read all the stickies. but i suppose i still have more to read.

i know test e esters last for 2-3 weeks in your system. and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as a 4 day half life.

week 1-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu/week
week 14-18(or even week 20) of PCT.
i know while Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is used thru-out cycle and there is a blasting phase of 10 days @ 500iu/day that is included in the process. at the end of the 10 day Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blasting phase, wait 4 days then start my PCT regimen. so does that mean the 2 weeks i wait for the test e to clear out of my system is the time where i do the 10 day Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blasting phase?