Keep nicking blood vessels in glute....tren


New member
Have had tren acetate cough 3 times already injecting into the same glute in the last 3 weeks. Only happens when I hit this glute. Yes, I aspirate every time. Yes, I inject slowly, about 45secs for 2.5ml.

I was doing ED injections 1.25ml of tren and prop. I switched to EOD and now 2.5ml.... 2.5ml in my thigh is alot to take, and it's difficult for me to reach and inject my opposite glute since I always inject by myself.

I nicked a vein of blood vessel earlier, felt the cough coming, so pulled out with about .5ml left. No blood on aspiration, but small amounts after I pulled out.....

Any suggestions? Thighs are fine, but I can't walk right for 48 hours after and by that time its time for another.
Are you injecting into the upper outer quadrant of the glute?

BTW: delts are a great pinning location if you aren't hitting them already.
Ya switch up the site man, i honestly had to abandon glutes altogether, to much of a hassle every time, delts are easy and youll most likely never hit any vessels, i find quads great too, i never hit anything in there either!
I don't know if it's big on this forum, but the slin pin method is really good for extremely easy pinning. I use a 25g needle to draw the oil, the backload the slin pin with the oil. Injection takes a few seconds and you're not going to build up nearly as much scar tissue doing it this way if you have frequent injections.

Also good for sub-q shots if you're looking even more spots to shoot... that's what I do.

I don't know if it's big on this forum, but the slin pin method is really good for extremely easy pinning. I use a 25g needle to draw the oil, the backload the slin pin with the oil. Injection takes a few seconds and you're not going to build up nearly as much scar tissue doing it this way if you have frequent injections.

Also good for sub-q shots if you're looking even more spots to shoot... that's what I do.

Tried this in my delt. Backloaded etc.... Literally could not push the oil through. My shots are ether 1.25 ml ED or 2.5ml EOD because I mix prop and ace. How am I gotta fit that much gear in a slin? Just gonna start doing 25g in the delt looks like.
Tried this in my delt. Backloaded etc.... Literally could not push the oil through. My shots are ether 1.25 ml ED or 2.5ml EOD because I mix prop and ace. How am I gotta fit that much gear in a slin? Just gonna start doing 25g in the delt looks like.

Yep not much you could if you have over 1mL. Most I do ED is 1mL... never had a hard time pushing through the needle.

25g is good to go on delt shots. I hit a blood vessel last time with 25g. Didn't hurt at all afterward, just left a penny sized round bruise on my shoulder. Basically a calling card for "I take steroids".
Yep not much you could if you have over 1mL. Most I do ED is 1mL... never had a hard time pushing through the needle.

25g is good to go on delt shots. I hit a blood vessel last time with 25g. Didn't hurt at all afterward, just left a penny sized round bruise on my shoulder. Basically a calling card for "I take steroids".

Upper glute or upper-outer quadrant? Big difference.

upper-outer quadrant. This isn't a noob question "where do I pin guys??" Sorry. Tren anger..... I think I need a heating pad. Throw that on for 10 mins after pin and see what happens. Tiger balm seems to help a little as well after a hot shower.

Probably the last time I ever run short esters/ acetate. Such a hassle.
The upper-outer glute quadrant is actually pretty big.
You can move around your injection site a lot within this quadrant.
Thats what i do.
But i hear ya man...ED shots when running tren ace are a bitch.... I almost died each time with the cough and also the feeling of getting nails punched in your whole body.... god i love tren...
The upper-outer glute quadrant is actually pretty big.
You can move around your injection site a lot within this quadrant.
Thats what i do.
But i hear ya man...ED shots when running tren ace are a bitch.... I almost died each time with the cough and also the feeling of getting nails punched in your whole body.... god i love tren...

I've noticed that the days that I get tren cough after a pin, the sides are alot worse. Sweat WAY more and my dreams are extremely vivid and controllable. No nightmares.... but dreams are more controllable and apply to what I did that day or week. Kind of cool actually.