Injection. Need your word guys.


New member
Today i was injecting my quad with prop and winny each 1cc, so i injected prop needle everything went fine, aspirated and slowly injected the oil in, pulled out and prepared my winny needle, went about 2inches far from the site i injected prop, checked for visible veins true skin and injected in syringe with winny, i did aspiration even few times becouse now i take precautions from the last dumb moves i made. There was no blood, i pulled plunger really slow for about 2-3sec, and repeated again for precautions. Than slowly injected winny, after i injected winny, waited for about 15 secs to pull out syringe so the oil wont get back, and i saw very little blood came in the syringe, but no more, i waited for more 5 secs and pulled out than took care of injection site. Had no cough or stuff like that. So can anyone explain did i waisted me winny shot?
What if u had no cough or sides like hot flash head ach or weakness u did right but why did u not put both in same shot ??? Why two separate shots

I appreciate the caution and care u take injecting. With that approach u should never have an issue.

MM--u know my opinion on 99 percent of this game--whatever works for the individual. As I'm not going IV I do not aspirate but that s me as I ve never had real bad issues w IM s..back when we used 18 g 3 inch harpoons I ve had some geysers erupt or rivers of red running down my ass after pulling pin out but except being upset over gear lost it never really mattered.
I will asperate I have hit to many veins even aspirating it's a peace of mind thing for me

Unless youre hitting very strange spots theres no need to aspirate. Not only can you cause damage to muscle tissue using this technique, the main injetion sites--Delts, Glutes, Quads (Vastus Lateralis), along with many other sites when pinned in the correct location--do not contain any major blood vessles.
I've never aspirated in over 10 years of AAS use. As long as you stick to the normal sites, you 'should' never have an issue.
Unless youre hitting very strange spots theres no need to aspirate. Not only can you cause damage to muscle tissue using this technique, the main injetion sites--Delts, Glutes, Quads (Vastus Lateralis), along with many other sites when pinned in the correct location--do not contain any major blood vessles.

I use triceps calves and delta also I hit a vessel 2-10 times I think I have more surface veins than most I seem to hit one a lot
Aspirating before an IM injection is no longer standard medical practice, and as you can see by many anecdotes, not doing is so is harmless. Trying to aspirate will increase the risk of PIP and damage to muscle fiber as it gives the needle more chance to cut and injure the muscle tissue you are injecting in. I recommend no aspiration.
YOU DO NOT NEED TO ASPERATE. Damn I was gonna write up something on this and never got to it. There are so many myths to aspirating.

Half the time you are just pulling up a little blood front the capillaries. As an old drug addict and main liner I tell you can't keep your hand steady to stay in a vein.. Simple Simon says look at the mechanics you are for the most part perpendicular to the vein. Think about this !!

If you inject ANY bit it would be miniscule and will not hurt you. Have you ever in your life heard of a guy injecting his load into his vein...huh.

And NO you didn't waste any. You are overthinking this for God's sake............
Aspirating before an IM injection is no longer standard medical practice, and as you can see by many anecdotes, not doing is so is harmless. Trying to aspirate will increase the risk of PIP and damage to muscle fiber as it gives the needle more chance to cut and injure the muscle tissue you are injecting in. I recommend no aspiration.

NOW THAT'S RIGHT ON. ^^^^^^^ Stop the nonsense. One more thing. I have been doing this for many , many years and aspirated 3 times , maybe. Stab and push the plunger. If you bleed sometimes, well, wipe it off and move on. :)

Oh I almost forgot, welcome to the board and tell us your stats.
I will asperate I have hit to many veins even aspirating it's a peace of mind thing for me

Ridiculous , really, I never have had a nurse or a doctor aspirate. The blood you are drawing is from capillaries and maybe as you pass through a vein. If you think your in a vein push the needle. Do you think it will stay in the vein? Simple Simon say it never happened to him. :dunno:

One of these subjects of discussion like "I'll keep my AI on hand in case I feel a lump. "
Very, very, VERY unlikely you did that. If you noticed a small amount when you pulled the needle out then you passed through a vein when pulling it out. No big deal.
Did you red the article? Lol the blood came in a little bit when needle was still in