keeping weight


New member
hey, i wanna know how many calories to i need to eat per day without becoming fat?
i want to gain mass but keep my bf low this is possible? (with cycles)

im 20
weight 210lb
height 179cm
bf 14.9
how many carbs, protein n' fat do i need to eat per day?
im eatting every 2-3 hours and 9 meals per day its fine?
thanks anyway....
for maintaining weight at 210 lbs - about 3150 calories
for gaining weight - 3550
for gaining weight on cycle - 4050

on cycle: 2g protein per pound of bodyweight, 2-3g carbs per pound of bodyweight, the rest fat.

there is zero need to eat 9 meals. this is beyond ridiculous. you could easily fit the calories into 5 meals of 810 calories (assuming 4050 calorie daily intake)
i dont understand whay to eat only 5 meals??????
i dont eat more than 30 gram protein in one meal cause it will not absorb in my body, the rest of the protein will treat by my kidneys and go out at my pee.
so if i'll eat only a 5 meals so i can only eat 150 gram of protein per day and its not enough.
i wanna aske you someting a metabolism of 4-6 time per dat its normal??
cause my friends go twice a week to the toilet...
thanks for helping me...
yea it commonly misquoted that "the body can only digest 30g of protein in one sitting", and "eating every 2 hours stokes the metabolic fire" blah blah blah. a lot of bad information floating around. eating large meals just slows digestion.

here is a post of mine with references to studies that found meal frequency didnt affect body composition.

granted, you can eat 9 meals if you really want to, theres no downside - i would just find it horribly time consuming and tedious. I did 7 meals a day for a few months a couple of years ago and hated life.
ran_azrad said:
i dont understand whay to eat only 5 meals??????
i dont eat more than 30 gram protein in one meal cause it will not absorb in my body, the rest of the protein will treat by my kidneys and go out at my pee.
so if i'll eat only a 5 meals so i can only eat 150 gram of protein per day and its not enough.
i wanna aske you someting a metabolism of 4-6 time per dat its normal??
cause my friends go twice a week to the toilet...
thanks for helping me...

Listen to Suareezay. When eating "WHOLE FOODS" like chicken breast, fish, meat, eggs, etc you can certainly consume much more then 30gm's of protein in one sitting. It takes the body much more time and effort to digest these sources there for your protein is NOT absorbed all at once and pissed out. That's just crazy talk. It's slowly absorbed and released over time (like 2-8 hours) so your muscles are better off. The ONLY time you would want to limit the amount of protein in one sitting would be for a supplemental source, like a protein (whey) shake. In this case the liquid/shake form is absorbed much much quicker and there for we have no need in loading mass amounts (i.e. 120gms) in our shakes. Depending on weight & needs, it's sufficient to keep your protein shakes under 60gm's per serving..IMO
so how many meals do i need to eat per day?
how many hours between meal to meal?
and what to eat before and after work out? this is account a meal?
one more thing, people told me that after 4 hours without meal the body get catabolic effect, because of that i eat 9 meals per to not get the catabolic effect this is true?
sorry about drivin u crazy but i finnaly have to know.
thanks again....
a whole food meal can take over 6 hours to fully digest and assimilate. 30g of whey alone leaves aminos in the blood for upwards of 4 hours IIRC. For 30g of casein protein alone this time extends to 6+ hours. Double that amount, and/or eat a whole foods meal with fat and fiber, and youll be digesting that food and have aminos in your blood for the better part of a day. The bigger the meal, the longer it takes to digest. So the idea that you need to eat every X number of hours isnt really accurate.

With that in mind, if you eat 4 meals a day (assuming you sleep for 8) that leaves 4 hours in between meals - meaning you will still be digesting the food from the previous meal when you start eating the next meal. Catabolism is nowhere in sight.

So to answer your questions, I would eat 4-5 meals per day. The number of hours in between meals is insignificant. Generally high protein, high carb, low fat meals are best around workouts - and yes these count as meals.