Keto & Alcohol question


New member
I've read that alcohol does not throw you off keto, but I must wonder... what about the carbs in beer? When I read that I was like, woohoo alcohol doesn't throw you out! Well I bet they were talking about the 9 cals/g that comes from alcohol in the drink, but not referring to the whole drink itself...

I had about 6 Yuengling's in about 5 or 6 hours last night. So that's probably like 20-30 carbs, somewhere in there. Do you think that I got kicked out, and if yes, for long?

you can get kicked out due to the carbs... as long as you keep it pretty minimal you should stay in keto... back when i tried atkins i would drink 6 michelob ultras which is 2.6 carbs each.. i would drink about 6 or so to get to feeling good and id still be under the limit of getting kicked outa keto.

from what i understand once u burn up your 48 hrs of stored carbs you go into keto initialy. but if u get kicked out you just have to burn up the carbs you took in... people usualy generalize and say 24 hrs and your back in... but i dont see the rationality behind that set ammount of time.
yea, i mean, 30 carbs in 5 hours time isn't going to kick me out for 24 hours.. I take 40 grams of dextrose at once after workout, most of it goes to glycogen but there has to be some spill over into the liver and I'm in keto after my next meal an hour later says the stix.

But what is the big difference between being in ketosis and being in a carb-deprived state where insulin is low, glucocagen is high, and calories are at a deficit... is it that producing the ketones effectively pulls out 2/9 of the calories out of the fat you burn as an oxidation-reduction byproduct or something? I think thats what I read, or along those lines.

All the times and numbers given by the experts are just estimated numbers for large groups of people of which there will be people on both ends of the extremes. So when it comes down to it, you have to take the guidelines with a grain of salt and test them against your own personal experiences (as you do with Keto stix, for instance).
how does someone who is 20 go to a doctor and ask for his liver values to be tested w/o looking suspect? How much does it cost? Can you/Would You/Should you try to submit it to insurance?

what is hard bar? You mean shots?

I know diet drinks won't make you fatter.... but they might hinder your losses some on keto, the citric acid can throw you out.. or at least thats what the guys on the bodybuilding . com nutrition>keto forums say, and they're right according to ketostix and my urine after drinking two one day. Don't think I've touched one since. Water is much better for you anyways, I'm glad I can't have them or else I'd probably be drinking 6 of them a day. I love big k diet citrus drop from Kroger. mmmmmmm.
