Keto and your Anxiety Mood!


New member
Hi there,
Is there anyone who is on Keto diet, how are your moods compared to before starting Keto (excluding transition period).
Please share your experience.
Overall so far, outside of the keto flu, I feel better than normal, poop regularly, constantly stay hydrated, and I actually have more energy in the gym surprisingly (I don't get gassed at all, can't say the same for my muscles though), but definitely more tired than usual (get tons of sleep). If you can get past the headaches, it's not even bad at all, just requires a lot of meal planning.
Low Carb and No Carb was always Tough when I was younger.

Now that I'm older, I fine that I do better on Very Low Carb and Keto than Not.

I'm currently on a Keto Diet and doing Great, energy levels are high.
Getting it done in the Gym................................. JP
im not a fan of long term keto dieting..

the first 3-4 days of entering keto are rough, after that it gets easier.. keto is psychologically taxing to the user..

esp when the user intakes hidden carbs in foods and dont realize it.. it kicks you out of keto and you feel like shit for a few days again..

so if youre going to run it, make sure youre strict with your diet and you keep your carbs under 30g and from fibers