New member
Hey everyone
I have a question regarding people's experience with a ketogenic diet on cycle. I want to do a very lean bulk and will be in a good surplus. I love keto, it gives me sustained energy and mental clarity and allows me to stay very lean. Gains may be a little slower, but I put on fat so easily that I prefer it.
Who's got experience with this? I've done a lot of searching but don't really see much regarding gains vs a standard diet. Has anyone done it both ways?
I recently posted my upcoming cycle that I will be starting in 2 weeks:
M/28/6'/185 lean (don't know exact bmi, prob around 12%)
I have done basic test E 500 cycles in past.
Pre bloods are good. Will get more during cycle to dial in AI dose and again after PCT.
Weeks 1-16
Test E 625mg/wk (M and Th)
Mast E 500mg/wk (M and Th)
Arimidex .5 EOD
Weeks 1-4
Superdrol 20mg/day
Weeks 13-16
Anavar 50mg/day
Weeks 17-18
Arimidex and HCG 500IU/day for 10 days
Weeks 19-22
Nolvadex (40/40/20/20)
Clomid (50/50/25/25)
I will front load both clomid and nolvadex
Thank you
I have a question regarding people's experience with a ketogenic diet on cycle. I want to do a very lean bulk and will be in a good surplus. I love keto, it gives me sustained energy and mental clarity and allows me to stay very lean. Gains may be a little slower, but I put on fat so easily that I prefer it.
Who's got experience with this? I've done a lot of searching but don't really see much regarding gains vs a standard diet. Has anyone done it both ways?
I recently posted my upcoming cycle that I will be starting in 2 weeks:
M/28/6'/185 lean (don't know exact bmi, prob around 12%)
I have done basic test E 500 cycles in past.
Pre bloods are good. Will get more during cycle to dial in AI dose and again after PCT.
Weeks 1-16
Test E 625mg/wk (M and Th)
Mast E 500mg/wk (M and Th)
Arimidex .5 EOD
Weeks 1-4
Superdrol 20mg/day
Weeks 13-16
Anavar 50mg/day
Weeks 17-18
Arimidex and HCG 500IU/day for 10 days
Weeks 19-22
Nolvadex (40/40/20/20)
Clomid (50/50/25/25)
I will front load both clomid and nolvadex
Thank you