Keto diet question about fiber and carbs


One Chance
I'm abOut to start the keto diet. And had a question about the carb intake Someone told me that fiber cancels out carbs ? That true? And my diet plan has almonds and peanut butter on it both that have carbs. Is there any without
If by keto diet you mean the Atkins Diet I would just grab the book.

It will explain everything.

Your friend might be talking about how some carbs don't impact insulin levels and are therefore not counted at "net carbs" when carb counting.

And peanut butter and almonds have carbs. They can be acceptable depending on the amount and whether you want to be in "ketosis" (old name) or maintain weight, etc.

I lost about 40-45 lbs on atkins and kept it off for the past 10 years (almost). It is doable and you feel great; or at least I do...

I can really recommend low-carb eating...

Thanks Alan for the good info
This is the diet plan I was going
To follow

5 whole eggs (make sure to buy OMEGA-3 EGGS from the supermarket. They contain virtually NO saturated fat and tons of good OMEGA-3 fats); add another 4 egg whites to this (they don?t need to be the Omega-3 ones; you can use liquid egg whites)

SHAKE: 50g Whey Protein with 1 ? tablespoon of All Natural Peanut butter (no sugar)

"Lean Protein Meal": 8oz chicken with 1/2-cup cashew nuts (almonds, or walnuts)

SHAKE: 50g Whey Protein with 1 ? tablespoons of All Natural Peanut butter (no sugar added)

"Fatty Protein Meal": 8oz Salmon, Swordfish, or RED MEAT with a green salad (no tomatoes, carrots, or red peppers) with 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil or Macadamia nut oil and vinegar

SHAKE: 50g Whey with 1 ? tablespoon all natural peanut butter or 4 whole (Omega-3) eggs and 4 extra whites

And ya I think maybe he was referring to net carbs

No probs.

And just looking quickly at this menu I think that it will put keep you out of true ketosis.

This is why...

SHAKE: 50g Whey Protein...

... with 1/2-cup cashew nuts (almonds, or walnuts)

SHAKE: 50g Whey Protein...

SHAKE: 50g Whey with 1 ? tablespoon all natural peanut butter (if you go with this option)

Basically...every 50 grams of Whey Protein will probably have about 8 grams of carbs in it. That'll be about 24 grams of carbs right there. The 1/2 cup cashews will also have carbs in them, as with the peanut butter, even if no sugar added,,,

Without crunching numbers I would say the cumulative carb count would put you out of the ketosis range (atkins suggests 20 or under grams per day).

I think the meals look great, and you would probably still lose weight...but eating even very low carb is not like being in ketosis.

Being in that state can peel weight off.

I lost 16 pounds in 2 weeks...and kept losing.

I HIGHLY recommend reading the atkins book before even starting.

This is the only book I give to friends/dates as a gift...if they even express an interest in low carb eating.

And I've attached a pic of me...

I'm 38 now and my body in the pic is strictly low carb eating and no exercise.

Your skin, nails, hair, mood, concentration, libido, etc, should also improve.

At my worst 10 years ago, (after some physical injury), I had the body of a 10 month old child (no kidding).:wiggle:

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I have 2 protiens. One with 6carb for 50 gram and one with 2 carb for 50 gram. Is there anything u can suggest for easy food ideas to keep protien up and stay in keto. I am a large dude as to why I need all the protien. And that menu is taken off a forum like this one and comPiled my body builders. Suprising it's not so hot

The protein with 2 grams per 50 changes things a bit as now the carb count drops alot. To get into ketosis every carb counts. And the the guys making that menu know what they're doing, without a doub t. They are probably working out and cutting up and that will take them where they need to go. For regular people who are doing a true "low carb" type of diet, with "Induction", which is the first step, there is almost no room for error.

Buy the book. It's cheap.In fact, by now, the whole book is probably floating around in cyberspace for free.

The book will give alot of background that you should know to be ( "carb" )successful for now and in the future...

U have me interested in this " book" but I don't know the name of the book u speak of? I googles Atkins and got a shit ton of books and even the dr's books and he even has alot And after talking to u I went
To the store and got zero carb protein. As for the damn nuts and pb. I can find anything that looks healthy or low carb enough. Let alone any that is sugar free. But I do find alot of natural like it asks for

Thanks so far for your time brother

Read one of Atkins earliest and most controversial books and thought it was the best. It was entertaining as well as informative.

Any true low-carb book should do the trick, however.

And I'm happy to help; I am a bit of a moonie on low carb eating and love to spread the word.

If you do the Atkins Diet I would recommend one piece of advice that was given to me...and worked. Don't question anything and just do the 2 week Induction to the letter. Then ponder everything over. The results will blow you away and add some perspective...

Got the book. Found it and a few more of his free in PDF format. So I have it on both my PC and iPhone now. And if Anyones reeding this thread and wants it give me your
Email and I'll send it. It's like 3MB
I ran the keto diet for my show last year. I think people get the keto diet mixed up with the atkin diet. The keto diet you can have carbs but the point is to cause your body to start to burn ketones so you use oils such as MCT oil and almonds ect for fuel to lower carbs enough to burn fat and ketones eventually and not store any.

The keto diet sounds like atkins diet...but not during Atkin's Induction stage (eg. the first and most extreme stage)...but during its ongoing stage...(albeit a very restricted one).

It sounds good, in any case. I'm going to look the keto diet up.

And Four1Thr33...I would love copies of what you have and appreciate them. When my post count is up I will PM you and give you my email address.

And if I can return the favor anytime/ assured I will.

Ya when u downloaded his books I got a few things Atkins made all in PDF. I'm at work now but when I get home I'll list all the PDFs I have collected. I believe there is like 4? Some might be food cook book type ones too

That's awesome!

Stick with it. And something to remember; this low card way of eating is not just a "diet". It is a sustainable way of eating that will have you reaping many benefits for years to come.

I have been eating low-carb for almost 10 years. It is noticeable. I don't look anywhere near my age and there's no doubt that low carbing it is a big part of it.

Nearly completely cutting on sugar and wheat would have a positive effect on nearly everyone.

Keep up the good work and keep us updated...
