keto diet


New member
hi guys ive decided to get on a fat burning diet and drop as much fat as possible so when i hook up with 3j i can even drop more. so far my diet consist of

1.5egg whites 2 whole and 2 turkey bacon
2. 2 chicken breast with olive oil cooked and banana some times
3. 3 cans of tuna fish
4. 60 grams of protien shake
5.1 turkey burger with cheese
6. steak or more chicken like oven chicken
7. protien shake after work out

so what u think? i started with my weight 201 and in 2 days of diet 198! oh and i drink about 2 gallons of water. ive noticed i look more lean with all this dame eating. lookin for advice thanks for the help guys!
You are gonna struggle on a keto diet mate,I did it for a bit and couldnt take it. I would honestly say speak to 3J now to see what he thinks, Also congratulations the weight loss BUT i can guarantee you it isnt fat,your body will eat muscle before fat if it isnt getting enough calories. Do you have abodyfat scale?Weigh yourself on it and youl see what i mean. I was on this kindof of diet before I hooked up with 3J this time round. I lose about 3lbs in a week but only like 0.2% bodyfat. I felt shit all the time and didnt have energy to even train. The diet 3js got me on now I am eating a lot lot more and you can see from my logs iv lost 2lbs in one week which maybe isnt that much but I think it is all fat that iv lost and if its 2lbs every week il be ripped in a few weeks. Good luck
Also its really hard to get into keto,the banana and turkey burger you are having all have carbs. I think you need like less than 40grams to get into keto
I had some degree of success with the anabolic diet. I was dropping about a pound a week, and my strength did not suffer. I'm now on the rapid fat loss diet. I had minor surgery a few months ago, so I'm unable to lift. I've been on this diet for 5 weeks and dropped 25 lbs so far.
