Ketogenic Diet and Steroids *Please Help*


New member
So first off I apologize if this is in the wrong forum, was thinking about posting in diet but seemed like this forum was more active and I'm in dire need of some help as I am trying to find out what to do and have even posted on some other "steroid forums" and have been unable to get any response. My question is regarding the use of steroids while on a Cyclic Ketogenic Diet, but let me start of with a bit of information.

So I am 21 years old 5"8 180lbs and around 8%BF (haven't checked in a while, but have 6 pack lots of veins, people constantly asking when my "show" is), I have been on a CKD for the last 5 months and dropped from 205lbs to 180 (not sure about my starting BF either, top abbs barely visible) I lost most of the weight within the first 3 months and the last 2 have been sitting around the same weight, while seeing minor increases in "cutness" even despite adding extra cardio. So needless to say I'm looking to do a cycle that would help me push through this plateau, and give me that holy shit shredded look for the summer. I did my first cycle 8 months ago, 10 weeks 400mg test e with 40mg dbol first 4 weeks.

So now my dilemma I haven't come across too much information in regards to cycling while on keto, I find keto the easiest diet to follow and have gotten in a good routine but could definitely slowly introduce carbs back to a normal bodybuilding diet if needed. So I've thought up a few scenarios, if they are completely ludicrous I'd be happy to know, and take any suggestions as to whats best for me to continue my cut.

A) Clen on Keto - Not much information floating around, a few people say its "ok" some say "lose to much muscle" but nothing concrete enough for me to make a decision.
B) Test + (cutting compound Clen, anavar, w/e) while on keto - Again any information or personal experiences would be appreciated.
C) Slowly re-introducing carbs before starting a cutting cycle (whatever compounds are good for a 2nd cycle, not looking to dip into the tren pool yet).

Any insight, personal experience and information would be greatly appreciated as my other threads have somewhat been boycotted.
I have used various forms of ketogenic diets on and off throughout the years.
They are simple and easy to follow and work.
If you are 8% I suggest you either bump up your macros or add more carbs surrounding your workout. 8% is really lean to be walking around with and if you want to put on size I wouldn't expect you to drop your body fat anymore, maybe raise it by 2% to 4%.
Try Test again and stack with another oral or one injectable...and I would skip the clen.
This is what I would do.
Thanks for the response, and as of now I'm not worried about size at all, have never had an issue with slapping on some good size during my bulks, but what I'm looking for is just that constant hardness/pumpedness that people get usually from being on gear the tight skin. I'm super content with how I look in the gym and would love for that pump to be my walking around physique. And I dont feel sluggish at all so I am sure with some test I could rock 6% for the summer feeling great. And any specifics for the oral or injectable that would work with keto or am I reading to much into it and I could take anything appropriate for a second and cutting cycle? I just like to have as much information before jumping into something thanks.

A) Clen on Keto - Not much information floating around, a few people say its "ok" some say "lose to much muscle" but nothing concrete enough for me to make a decision.
B) Test + (cutting compound Clen, anavar, w/e) while on keto - Again any information or personal experiences would be appreciated.
C) Slowly re-introducing carbs before starting a cutting cycle (whatever compounds are good for a 2nd cycle, not looking to dip into the tren pool yet).

Any insight, personal experience and information would be greatly appreciated as my other threads have somewhat been boycotted.

i'd really like to know your cycle history, but regardless of that to have that hard dry full photoshop look in my opinion you need carbs...

once you give your cycle history i could help you decide another compound... personally i think masteron is amazing for getting the look that you are working towards....

good dose of AI, with moderate dose of test with some masteron
I have only done 1 cycle which was 8 months ago
Wk1-10 400mg test-e
Wk 1-4 40mg dbol
Novaldex PCT

Saw minimal sides, few zits but nothing major gained 30 pounds and kept about 20-22.
And I was actually reading up on masteron today before I saw your reply. Because of my inexperience obviously trying to stay away from the tren, so ya I appreciate the advice, what do you think?
I've noticed that atleast on tren ace you need to eat carbs for it to work its magic. On my previous tren/test cycles I tried low carb/high fat and I had no sides what so ever, but it felt that the tren wasn't working. I bumped up the carbs on my next tren cycle and lowered the fat and the sides all flared and I really could feel the tren working. It might have been the fact that my muscles were glycogen depleted even with my refeeds, but switching to higher carbs on tren really made me fill up, gain strength, and burn body fat.

I'm in PCT right now so I switched back to high fat/low carb to make sure I don't gain any fat from the carbs. I don't think keto would be a good choice to run when on cycle. I know you are not going to use tren right now and that is wise, but I read an analogy a while ago that somebody posted either here or on another board. Our body is like a car. The gear you use is the engine, without fuel the car won't go anywhere. The fuel would be carbs. I say eat around 150-165 grams of carbs, where the majority of them are before your workout (low gi) and eat some after working out (middle-high on the gi index). After that cut out the carbs for the rest of the day. My 2 cents bro.

Also, I highly recommend getting in touch with 3j. I used him on this last cycle I"m on right now and I gained more than I ever did on my previous cycles. I always gained body fat on previous cycles because I didn't care about watching macros. It was just calories in and out for me depending on if I was bulking/cutting. This time around while using 3j and his cutting diet, I lost almost 3 percent of my body fat and gained nearly 11 pounds. I look so much bigger and better now. I have people coming up to me asking me what I did differently and that I should start competing soon. Can't give him enough praise. 3j is the man!!!! Wish I used him when I first started cycling almost 2 years back!
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Ya I'm starting to lean towards tapering carbs back into my diet for the cycle, and thanks for the advice, but I'm new here what's 3j just a user of this forum or what?