Knee surgery recovery - peptides for me?


New member
I have an issue with my right knee that has been an ongoing issue. I'm currently gearing up for my 4th surgery and have had one done each of the previous 3 years. This next one will be an open knee surgery so recovery will be even worse. Add the muscle atrophy from the previous surgeries into the mix and rehab should be fun:ugh:

I've been reading up on various boards for a while and I'm really considering using some peptides after this next surgery. I'm hoping they will help boost my strength and also with healing.

I had tossed around the idea of running a aas cycle but I'm not sure if that's the route to take.

IGF-1LR3 seems like it would be one of the things I'd want. I'm not sure if I should look for something else to stack with this though.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm really hoping for some longer term relief after this next surgery.
Wrong section??

I think this is a good section, try men's health too, I see a lot of injury advice there too.

I second the IGF-LR3, but recomend stacking it with IGF-DES. As far as dosage and timing idk how you can train but its usually split up DES "per-workout" LR3 post.
I think its beneficial to stack it with some HGH also.

Try to go on growth for about 6 months. During that time I would cycle on and off of the IGF maybe a month on a month off. Keep the receptors fresh.

The half-lifes are these are very very low so keep that in mind. Take the IGF with a dose of HGH cause it will lengthen HGH's halflife slightly.

USE CAUTION! The last thing you wanna do is get huge muscles tearing away at healing tissues.

As far as an AAS goes IDK what to say exactly. EQ and Deca do promote some white tissue growth, but since you have to stack it with test, this would scare me. I would hate to add an inch to my thigh and pull something in my knee cause of it. Something to note too is test REDUCES white tissue growth by 50-80%.... Deca/EQ is supposed to increase it by around 300%. WHO KNOWS what will happen really.

I would skip the AAS foe now and go with the HGH and IGF.

I don't know it all so please seek advice from more people, but this is my 2 cents. GL!
no aas I had a complete reconctructive surgery and 10 months of high end rehab on both ny knees in college trust me heal I cant do what i used to on the feild but i can rn and jumpriope with the best of em do the recommended pt I dont know where you are going as my college paid for it but aas noooooooo
Thanks for the info. I wasn't planning on adding any aas to the mix, I mainly wanted to see if it would benefit me to add another peptide to the igf-1lr3.