knowledgable competitors Help me cycle around my jobs steroid test plz


New member
hey guys im a competitve body builder (throw that out there so you can understand my question)

i have an opportunity for a good career... benifits ,
insurance all that stuff. However they are known to occasionaly test for steroids because steroids are evil and kill
people and make people kill people eh em. it is a hit or miss whether i will be tested in june but still want to play it
safe because this test is a hair test so any thing that lasts in your system too long (febuary till then) is no good. i
need to run an off season to build up but to play it safe i dont want to risk it for something that can stay in your blood for a long time and this puts HUGE dent in my program. no deca no tren. i MUST GROW so is there any cycles you guys would recomend to run during my off season ( i plan on competing early may before the test in late june) pre contest not a problem Winstrol (winny) tabs, clen , tabs, all in your system for no more then a couple of days.

cycle now
weeks 1-4 sustanon (supposed to last 3-4 months will be gone prior to d-test)
weeks 4-16 propinate ( about 2 weeks to dissapear)
dbol weeks 1-6 (another compubt 3-5 months not worried about it)

anadrol also is only a few months i was thinking about running that after im done with dbol.. parabolan will be another choice if i can find it. ( remember i got my hands tied here dont tell me its dumb to run anadrol right after dbol this isnt my chosen program). already asked the peptide dudes what peps are known to work but hey i need some help from my people. any feed back is appreciated.

also 2013 212 olympia kevin english or the welsh dragon.?
You can just say that you take legal PH. Like 1-AD or 4-AD RD. Buy them bring in the package and show it to them. Try that if anything.