Kuilontli - First Testosterone Cycle LOG


New member

35 years old
193 Lbs
15% BF


1-12 Test E 500 mgs week split (Monday and Thursday)
1-18 Aromasin 12.5mg eod
11-14 HCG at 250-500 ius week, or HCGenerate
14-18 Clomid at 25Mg day
14-18 postcycle/Unleashed combo
18-22 Bridge

Daily OTC Supplements to run along with cycle:
For liver support: Liver Detoxifier and Regenerator
For Blood Pressure Management: Cayenne Pepper, Niacin, Fish Oil
Monitoring Blood Pressure four times per day: Morning, Noon, Evening, Before Bed.

Needles in hand:
22g 1" - To Draw
23g 1.5" - Quads
25g 1.5" - Just in case

JUNE 25, 2012
First Testosterone E Injection, 250mgs
Aromasin 12.5

Time of injection: 8:00am
Needle Used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Right Quad
Very smooth injection, I was surprised just because is my first self IM Injection

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 0/10


Quad started to feel sore about 8 hours after the injection, there is not really pain, just soreness. Soreness pretty much gone 24 hrs after injection
No noticeable changes on Blood pressure
No other noticeable sides. I did feel a little "pumped" but I think was mostly placebo effect.

Oh, Shit... I fucked up
Somehow I ended up injecting .25ml instead of 1ml - PL Test E 10ml Vial - 250mg/ml
So my first shot was only a quarter of my dosage. FML!
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June 26, 2012

I decided to inject the other 3/4 of my dosage one day after the first shot.

Time of injection: 8:00pm
Needle Used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Left Quad Very smooth injection as well

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 0/10

Notes: 8hrs after this injection I am in pain 5/10
There is no bruise, I do think is a little swollen.
No difference in temperature, no redness.
I can lift my leg, I can bend it... But I can't flex it.

I am thinking about trying to do glute injections now, I don't like to be limping around trying to walk.

Maybe I should try warming up the vial before injection...
Never done the quad pin, but glutes have served well. Question, why are you running the aromasin e3d? half life is pretty short with that and I want to say it should be taken ed. If you do e3d you e levels will be fluctuating too much. Might check into that..
Never done the quad pin, but glutes have served well. Question, why are you running the aromasin e3d? half life is pretty short with that and I want to say it should be taken ed. If you do e3d you e levels will be fluctuating too much. Might check into that..

Yeah, that was a typo.. I am actually running Aromasin every other day for now, i might go daily once Testosterone E is kicking full force or if I notice any estrogen sides...

Thanks for the comment!
JUNE 28, 2012

Time of injection: 9:00am
Needle used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Right Glute

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 1/10

Notes: Smooth injection, tried a warming up the syringe before injection, it seemed like the Testosterone was easier to push in, then again, the angle was a little weird trying to stay twisted enough during the process.

Previous injection (left quad) is still sore although I have better movement. Area still a little swollen, no changes on temperature on the area. It feels like there is a knot in the quad.
Pain level is now 3/10.
Good luck with your cycle bro, i'm doing the same cycle now, but I'm at the end of my 3rd week. I had the same issues with the first injections. swolleness and soreness for 2 or 3 days, but I've gotten used to that. The gluttes work best, calf and delts give you more pain. Any way, I'm using 500 iu of HCG per week but I started on week 1 and plan to use it throughout the cycle. Just wondering what is the purpose of starting HCG on week 11??

Are you going to post before and after pictures?
Good luck with your cycle bro, i'm doing the same cycle now, but I'm at the end of my 3rd week. I had the same issues with the first injections. swolleness and soreness for 2 or 3 days, but I've gotten used to that. The gluttes work best, calf and delts give you more pain. Any way, I'm using 500 iu of HCG per week but I started on week 1 and plan to use it throughout the cycle. Just wondering what is the purpose of starting HCG on week 11??

Are you going to post before and after pictures?

Thanks for the reply, bro...

After my first Glute shot I am amazed on how little pain/soreness I got, so... Thats my new only spot. My left quad is still a little sore when I walk and it pisses me off that I can't workout legs.

About HCG;
Well, some people recommend using it just at the end, some from the get-go. Now you got me confused, thanks for that. Haha...
Most people I asked said is not necesary to use from the start of the cycle IF you are doing your first cycle, this is my first cycle. I will double check, though.

Thanks for the heads-up!

Before and after pics? I might, once I see results so it keeps me more motivated and perhaps to get tips from experienced users on what I should work...
July 2, 2012

Third Testosterone E Injection, 250mgs
Aromasin 12.5

Time of injection: 8:00am
Needle Used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Left Glute

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 0/10

Injection was a breeze, although I have to use two needles because I was not able to get a good gasp of the syringe and it moved between the aspiration and the injection, so I pulled out and repeated the injection with a new needle a couple of inches away from initial site.
JULY 6, 2012
Testosterone E Injection, 250mgs
Aromasin 12.5

Time of injection: 9:00am
Needle Used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Right Glute

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 1/10

Notes: This process is getting easier every time. I just need to get a hold of one of those "grip syringe holders". Sometimes the angle makes it a bit hard to push the plunger without moving the needle itself.

I did notice that the last two injections make my nose run, clear liquid. It stops after 10 min, feels like when you outside and is snowing. Go figure.

No other sides so far, Blood Pressure is being monitored four times a day, no drastic changes so far. I am taking BP support and Liver support.

Wonder when libido start increasing...
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Just ran across this thread, and realized your cycle is just about the same as what i'll be doing in the near future. Have you decided if if you're going to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or HCGenerate? I'm considering the HCGenerate due to fact it's damn near impossible for me to find HCG! Good luck with your cycle!
I want to run HCG, i just think it would be better.
You are in the US, right? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is not that hard to find, if you can find Testosterone chances are you will find HCG. As far as I know, HCGenerate is the next bext thing.

Thanks! Good luck with your cycle as well..
JULY 9, 2012
Testosterone E Injection, 250mgs
Aromasin 12.5

Time of injection: 8:00am
Needle Used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Left Glute

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 0/10

Glute injections are just great. No pain at all, although I do get "the egg" after injection, usually lasts about 4 days.

Blood Pressure is still under control with supplements and diet. I feel as if I have more "drive"...
JULY 9, 2012

Time of injection: 9:00am
Needle used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Right Glute

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 0/10
JULY 12, 2012

Time of injection: 9:00am
Needle used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Left Glute

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 0/10

Injections get easier each time, I just have a hard time getting a good gasp of the syringe. Maybe I will use duck tape around it next time.
JULY 16, 2012

Time of injection: 9:00am
Needle used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Right Glute

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 0/10

--- Started doing Aromasin 12.5 Everyday

4th week into my cycle, so far no major chances noticed.
Todays workout was fucking awesome, it felt like i have never worked out before, felt every muscle fiber. I also changed routines; I am running HIML-4 Maximum Muscle Building
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Look at me, I am T-Rex!

Damn, I am not sure if is due to the Testosterone or the new routine, but my arms were so freaking sore this week. Had an awesome work out but the next day I was not able to stretch my arms, I was walking like a T-Rex with my arms bent, parallel to the floor...

Now, trying to wash you hair with limited mobility on your arms is quite annoying, I went for the bow technique, on which you lower your head until it reaches your hands.
Haha, it hurt! And it felt so nice...
JULY 19, 2012

Time of injection: 9:00am
Needle used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Left Glute

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 2/10 (withdraw)
--Blood during aspiration #2 (New needle): 0/10
Blood after injection: 0/10

NOTES: I feel different, not sure how... but I just feel different, on a very good way.
July 22, 2012

Libido kicked in, big time.
I ended up at a party on the beach and after 2 girls and 3 guys I was still in the mood...
I guess the Liquid Cia from RUI works, or does it?

Oh yeah, and I got into a fight at the beach. Damn, jealous dudes. Flying kick to the head and down he goes... and starts snorting.

I don't think violence is the answer. But when someone walks in on you having some fun and starts hitting your kidneys just because you fucked his girlfriend, well... ought to make him stop.
RoidRage? Definitely not. Although I did feel a lot more endorphins.

I am not a violent person, nor I have had bursts of anger during cycle, this time I was still able to control the anger even after the guy started shit. I gave him a long time to chill, I was chill...
I am just not into having someone push me while I am fucking someone else, that ain't cool. Specially when you are on a Lifeguard Chair, them things have splinters!
Fuck him, he deserved it.
Thanks for the reply, bro...

After my first Glute shot I am amazed on how little pain/soreness I got, so... Thats my new only spot. My left quad is still a little sore when I walk and it pisses me off that I can't workout legs.

About HCG;
Well, some people recommend using it just at the end, some from the get-go. Now you got me confused, thanks for that. Haha...
Most people I asked said is not necesary to use from the start of the cycle IF you are doing your first cycle, this is my first cycle. I will double check, though.

During TEST cycle your Natural production of TEST is shut down no matter what, so take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or don't it makes no difference either way. I start it the day after the last shot.

Thanks for the heads-up!

Before and after pics? I might, once I see results so it keeps me more motivated and perhaps to get tips from experienced users on what I should work...

Good Luck