Kuilontli - First Testosterone Cycle LOG

So I have been slacking when it comes to updating my log.

Here is the last updates...

July 23
July 26 - 5th Week into Cycle
July 30
August 2 - 6th Week into Cycle
August 6
August 9 - 7th Week into Cycle

Time of injection: 9:00am
Needle used: 23g 1.5"
Location: Glutes (Alternating each shot)

Pain during injection: 0/10
Blood during aspiration: 0/10
Blood after injection: 0/10

Shots are a breeze now, I still wish there was syringes with wider flaps? some times is hard to get a grip of the syringe.


Cycle progress/results are nice. It seems like it took me a couple of weeks longer than average to feel/notice a difference on my body but at week 7 it seems things are finally kicking in stronger. I ended up increasing from 500ml to 700ml of Testosterone per week. It seems to work better.

I have noticed an increase on weight I can lift, and there is no more soreness after workout. I even tried adding more weight to see if I notice any difference post-workout but that only makes me not able to finish my reps. I guess the Testosterone is repairing my body faster?

I placed my second order of gear from Pinnacle, it should be here in a couple of days. I was not able to get Testosterone E, so I got me some Testosterone C instead. I also ordered my PCT and since Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was out of stock, I will only run Clomid, Bridge and HCGenerate.

I am also thinking about increasing my Cycle from 12 weeks to 15 weeks or so.