l-arginine supplementation sites????????


New member
Hey so ive been looking into the l-arginine supplement but ive read that injections are far more effective than the pills so I was wondering if any of you guys could point me in the right direction?

its aking for sources but since its a legal product its ok right?
Best of luck man, R-GENE is the IV form of arginine used in stimulating Hgh release in patients with certain pituitary disorders.

I doubt any UGL will stock such an item, but without going into specifics, overseas pharmacies *might* have it. If you're just looking for the vasodilation properties of the amino acid, I can't see why it would be worth going through that trouble when oral arginine is very easy to obtain and can be combined with cialis for some pretty awesome effects.

My .02c :)
lol I just cant get Cialis :(:(........... Ive ordered it from rui 3 times and I never received it and yet they still charged me the 35$ for the delivery, all three times so im not using rui again... and I went on gwp but when making the order is didn't have Canada in the country list so idk if they r usa exclusive or what :S
Doesn't sound like it'll be for the purposes you want, but as an FYI, I ran higher doses (~10g) of citrulline malate and noticeably improved my blood arginine levels.

I had an amino acid profile done and arginine was low out of range. Took another test a ways after running the cit mal and it put it up into the top of the threshold for normal.