Ladies 8-week emergency re-comp


New member
I ran across this out on the net and thought some around here might find it interesting -- if not extreme.

Ladies 8 Week Emergency Re-comp.

Let me start this by saying that what you’re about to read is not for the average woman looking to lose a few pounds. This is only for women who know how to exercise (including heavy weight lifting and intense cardio) and follow a regular workout program. This is only for ladies who know how to eat right, know what their maintenance calories are, know how to manipulate their macros for specific goals, and are capable of setting up and following an appropriate meal plan. Only woman who have used or at least seriously researched “out-of-the-mainstream” chemical aids/enhancements need read further. This is not for the faint of heart. It will be difficult – at times downright miserable. Sacrifice and determination will be required.

If you live and die by the number you see on your bathroom scales, this program might not be for you. This program isn’t about weight loss; it’s about body recomposition – about going from soft and flabby to hard and lean. If you’re not already pretty close to hard and lean you need to find a more conservative long-term approach.

So, if you meet all of the above criteria and think you can handle it, here’s the program. I’m not going to delve too much into diet and exercise because, as stated above, I’m assuming you’ve already got a handle on that. You need to do a cardio session first thing every morning on an empty stomach (I mean really empty – other than water – not even a cup of coffee). You’ve probably already heard the normal reason for this, but there’s another. It’ll allow some of the “aids” you’ll be using to be even more effective. As far as diet is concerned, you need to be eating just barely below maintenance calories. About a 300 calorie deficit, relative to your current maintenance level, will do. You need to consume at least 1 g/pound of body weight of protein, preferably 1.5 g/pound. Keep your carb intake to those from a variety of fibrous vegetables and a very small amount of fruit. Get the balance of your calories from healthy mono-saturated fats found in nuts and natural nut butters, whole eggs, olive and flaxseed oils, salmon, mackerel, tuna, and certain other fishes high in Omega 3 oils. Eat 4 to 6 balanced meals each day. Abstain from alcohol completely. It could interact negatively with some of the “aids” you’ll be using posing a significant health risk.

These are the aids/enhancements you’ll be using at various times throughout the eight weeks. These are serious chemicals that need to be treated with respect. Misuse can be dangerous having permanent consequences.

1. Clenbuterol – or simply Clen. Clen is a powerful stimulant that increases body temperature and heat production. It can cause unwanted side effects such as excessive heart rate, dry mouth, restlessness, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Clen is a beta-2 agonist shown to directly stimulate fat cells and accelerate the breakdown of triglycerides to form free fatty acids. Its thermogenic effects work to accelerate metabolism which in turn accelerates fat loss. You will take Clen during weeks one and two and again in weeks five and six. Your body adapts rather quickly to Clen and for many it becomes ineffective after about two weeks. Given a two week break, one’s body regains its sensitivity and Clen can be taken again. You’ll need to taper your dosage to find how much Clen you can tolerate while still getting a noticeable effect. Start at 40 mcg and increase by 20 mcg per day each day until the Clen makes you “jittery” or “shakey”. If you find this too uncomfortable decrease the dosage by 20 mcg per day. Many ladies find 80 mcg per day to be sufficient, but everyone’s different. Don’t take more than needed to produce the shaky effect and don’t take more than 200 mcg in any case whatsoever (and only a big girl should ever consider anything near that). Take your entire dosage first thing in the morning for the remaining days of weeks one and two. Take Clen again in weeks five and six. If you like, you can taper back up again or you can just dive right in with your ending dose from the previous cycle and adjust if necessary.

2. ECA. ECA is the famous ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin stack. The combination of ephedrine and caffeine work synergistically to burn fat in a manner similar to the way Clen does. The aspirin is optional but some feel it helps with the stimulant side effects the ECA stack is famous for. During weeks three and four then again in weeks seven and eight you’ll take 20 mg ephedrine HCL (or 25 mg ephedrine sulfate) along with 200 mg caffeine and, optionally, one low-dose aspirin three to four times per day. This dosage will curb your appetite, so you may consider taking them about ½ hour before meals if appetite control is an issue.

3. Cytomel (or T3). Cytomel contains synthetically manufactured liothronine sodium which resembles the natural thyroid hormone T3. An excess of T3 will put you in a state of hyperthyroidism causing a faster conversion of carbs, proteins, and fats. It has been said that “the over stimulated thyroid burns calories like a blast furnace”. It should be noted that T3 is indiscriminant and it will burn protein (i.e. muscle mass) as well as fat. This makes it very important that you keep your protein intake high and that you not take T3 without the other compounds on this list. Clen and ECA have muscle sparing effects during normal dieting but the addition of T3 will lead us to add an anabolic (to be discussed next) to ensure no muscle loss occurs. T3 is a potent substance which must be treated with great respect. You’ll need to taper your dosage up and even more importantly back down very slowly. If you stop using T3 abruptly your metabolism will crash severely and you’ll gain a ton of fat. Start out taking 12.5 mcg per day for the first three days, then increase the dosage by 12.5 mcg per day every third day until reaching a dose between 50 and 75 mcg per day. Stay at that dosage until you need to begin tapering back down which will again be to reduce the dosage 12.5 mcg per day. You’ll take T3 in weeks two through seven for a total of six weeks. Your daily dosing over the entire six weeks might look like this:


Don’t take your T3 all at once (except in the very beginning), spread the doses out over the day as appropriate. Always take your first dose first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Also take subsequent doses on an empty stomach.

4. Oxandrolone. Oxandrolone is the anabolic/androgenic steroid commonly referred to as Anavar (or simply Var). Var is the steroid of choice for women in the professional fitness community. It’s perhaps the mildest steroid available, and in modest doses has the least potential for masculinizing side effects. You’ll take Var for the entire eight weeks. In weeks one and two take 5 mg per day. For the remaining weeks take 10 mg per day. Most women will see virtually no signs of virilization at these doses or even slightly higher. Some clitoral swelling, a little acne, and perhaps some additional body/facial hair may occur for a few but these will almost always be temporary with this short duration of treatment. For an extremely rare few side-effects may be worse. If you become uncomfortable with any of these possible side effects (should they occur) discontinue use immediately. The chance of permanent side effects is, with this dosage and duration, extraordinarily low but not impossible. Like I said, this isn’t for the faint of heart.

In conclusion the course of treatment is:
Weeks 1-2: 5 mg Var daily
Weeks 3-8 10 mg Var daily
Weeks 2-7: 12.5 up to 75 then back down to 12.5 mcg T3 daily
Weeks 1-2 and 5-6 Enough Clen to make you shakey
Weeks 3-4 and 7-8 20 mg Ephedrine / 200 mg caffeine / 1 Aspirin 3-4 times per day.

Make sure you get enough protein and not too few calories. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep. So, what can you expect? If you hit the gym regularly to push some serious weights, get 45 to 70 minutes of moderately intense cardio daily, follow the supplement regime outlined above, and assuming you had the fat to lose, you should see a 10 to 15 percent reduction in your body fat percentage. If you already had a low body fat percentage, you’ll be ripped when all is said and done.

Good luck ladies and stay safe.
no offense to the OP, but this is probably the worst thing that you can post, especially in the womens forum.
thats enough stuff to keep you going!! I actually think and am crazy enough to just take them all at once. Hey thats called the shake and bake method. You shake your desk draw pull out a chemical and then bake.

No seriously I would have problems only with all those stimulants. The var is fine. The rest suck in my opinion. Cant do those clens and caffine stuff. If I need a good stimulant I just go get the real shit. Snort a few nice lines and were off!!!!!!!!!