Launch of Ruthless supps

two new products are out, monsterdrol-xt witch is 2-cyano-dmt (think pheraplex) and the most potent cyano compound
of the 3 vida discusses.

and malicious mass which is havoc/max lmg

questions, comments, concerns.....

man, someone negged me for this post, rolmmfao, said I suck. must have hurt someones feelings. :finger:

man, someone negged me for this post, rolmmfao, said I suck. must have hurt someones feelings. :finger:


What does "rolmmfao" mean?

ROLling My Motherfucking Ass Off, cuz I just took an E pill?:insane2::gay2::love:

I kid, I kid (though I still don't know what rolmmfao means).

Regarding 2-cyano-DMT, that sounds pretty crazy. I know cyanostane kind of sucked (never used, but feedback was blah) whereas Phera was a true steroid. I wonder how adding the 2-cyano group modifies the overall liver toxicity of the compound as Phera alone was pretty harsh on my liver. Any idea if it is expected to be more toxic than Phera?
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