LEAN bulk cycle

whyyyyyyyy..........been here a short time and so many dudes wanting to f themselves up.. magic pill... like said above. it's not a sprint. think people see magazines and think "steroids will make me look like that" wait 5 more years!! you have plenty of test in your system . realize this, you can do test, tren, dbol at 1gram a week and still not keep anything when your done!! it's all about training and food. it's not a magic
Agreed with the OP's bud. You've got the ability to put on good gains without gear still tbh. That being said, if you do decide to journey down the dark side, stick with test E and get a good Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well as a good post cycle therapy (pct) routine.
My first cycle i hit dbol test and decca. I got big ass fuck BUT VERY dumb of me lost alot, horrible post cycle therapy (pct). ANyways my .02 cents says test prop would be good or test e. Affraid of water Test prop is fine. Just got to pin EOD. And knots will be there golf ball size knots, virgin tissue BABY!!! PCT is more important than cycle, IMO!!! so make sure you research and recover right!!! I like Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well...
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