Lean enough for first cycle? Physique type goal

Dont think I'm in that great a shape tbh. Lifts by internet standards anyway are below average. Probs the body dysmorphia and the fact that everyone cycles nowadays talking.

OP, first of all, welcome to 'Ology, you've come to the right place for an education in all things AAS...

Secondly, congratulations on a few things.... you are in great shape, so your diet must already be good and your training must be reasonable. This is half the battle, trust me! Also congratulations on waiting until you are in the right place, and at the right age to know what's what. You've built a great base and AAS are only going to exaggerate your current condition. Finally, congratulations on doing enough research to plan a basic first cycle.

Having said that: I think you are mixed up. You mentioned in your OP that you want to stay lean and have a 'physique type goal in mind'.
If that is the case, why do you keep referring to max lifts?

Get this straight. You are either after muscle - or strength. If you try and get both, you'll end up treading water.

Physique athletes/bodybuilders - use the gym to hypertrophy the muscle, train in a style that involves moderate to heavy weight, medium reps, low recovery times, supersets, drop sets etc to blitz the muscle so it can't physically do another rep.

Strength athletes/powerlifters - long recovery times, low reps, heavy weights, higher calorie intake, different AAS, higher bodyfat.

They are 2 TOTALLY DIFFERENT sports!

Choose a goal, map out the most efficient way to achieve that goal, choose your AAS, diet etc with this goal in mind. Forget the rest.

Hope that makes sense.

Other than that - Schredder is right. Wait until you have enough Test Enanthate to keep this 1st cycle as simple and efficient as you can. By trying to combine Sustanon you won't be able to learn how to regulate your estrogen. Sustanon is a messy form of Test with differing esters. Stick to a single ester on your first run.

Good luck buddy.

Just one more question, how much fat do you typically gain from a mass cycle assuming your diet is in check

Diet will dictate your results. You can pretty much bulk or cut on any compound.

I'm running 1 gram of Test at the moment on a cut. I've lost 18lbs.
Sorry i think i didn't explain properly.... originally i done a powerlifting type split, up until about 4 months ago when i decided to do a cut and from then on my main focus is now physique/classic bodybuilding.

I know you can bulk or cut on cycle my worry is that if i were to bulk naturally I will gain some body fat along with lean mass. I bulk even more strictly then i cut no cheat meals every macro is hit everyday (I'm very OCD), but fat gain will still occur no matter what you do if eating an excess .As I am natural at any point i can decide that I'm getting too heavy start to taper down towards maintenance and start cutting again.

I want to do a mass gaining cycle. This means i need to eat a calorie excess as i would if bulking naturally. However if i get to say 2 weeks after my cycle and I'm about to start PCT and decide that I'm getting a bit too fat I can't taper down my calories as i need to remain in excess to hold onto my gains both during PCT and for a good length of time afterwards.

So my question was should i hop on my cycle now, or will cutting for another 1-2 months make any difference??

Thanks for the input :D