Lean Mass Diet


New member
I'm just looking for a few critique's of my game plan as laid out here. Not looking to bulk so much as just gain CLEAN weight at a steady pace/ harden up a bit. But first; I'll answer a few questions I know I'll get right out of the gate.

I'm 31 5'10, 212-215. Not positive of BF% but my abs are easily seen, obliques are seen when flexing. I do 25mins cardio at 115BPM every morning before I even see the kitchen. I work a weird schedual, where I have about a month to 6 weeks off at a time, so I have the time to train twice a day and eat accordingly...and nap mid afternoon for about an hour! When I am working, I eat a bit differently, but keep the same protein/carb meal, then protein/fat meal, shedual in check and train only once per day (hence I remove one of the shakes).

Here it is....and thanks for reading all this sh*t! I'm not sure of the macro nutrient breakdown either - anyone want to take a stab at it?

2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites
25g Whey
1 cup Oatmeal (a little milk and berries/banana)

Pre Workout 1:
200g steak
Spinach salad w/carrots, broccoli, 1/2 apple, 1/2 avocado
2tsps Olive Oil
Post Workout Shake 1:
50g Whey w/100g Dextrose
Post Workout Meal 1:
Chicken Breast (140g)
1Lrg Sweet Potato
Pre Workout 2:
Lean Ground Beef (200g) w/ Peanut Butter Satay
Hand full of Berries and a hand full of Almonds
Post Workout Shake 2:
50g Whey w/ 100g Dextrose

Post Workout Meal 2:
Lean Ground Beef or Salmon w/ 1/2cup Brown Rice
Spinach salad w/carrots, broccoli, 1/2 avocado

Bed Time:
50g Whey in 1% Skim Milk w/2tbsp Peanut Butter
Low-carb diets deplete muscle-glycogen levels to trigger the body to rely on fat for fuel. High-intensity aerobics further depletes glycogen levels to burn away more unwanted fat.

the following meals are about as universally bodybuilder-friendly as they come. Enjoy.
* 1 chicken breast (7-9 oz.)
* 1 yam
* 1 cup peas, corn and carrots
603 calories, 69 g protein, 61 g carbs, 7 g fat

Why? The combination of carbohydrates and lean protein in this meal increases the levels of insulin in the blood, fostering a hormonal environment that's ideal for muscle growth. Yams digest slowly, helping to sustain that environment, and lower-fat protein, like this chicken breast, helps keep bodyfat in check.

Hardgainer Tip: Add a tall glass of low-fat milk and saute the chicken in extra-virgin olive oil for additional protein and essential fats that help growth.

Shredding Tip: Eat half the yam and ditch the vegetable medley, which is higher in calories, for a lower-calorie vegetable like green beans.


* 4-6 egg whites with 2 whole eggs
* 1 serving Cream of Wheat cereal
* 1 banana
525 calories, 38 g protein, 59 g carbs, 15 g fat

Why? Eggs, a universal bodybuilding staple, offer easy-to-digest protein to kick-start muscle growth. Cream of Wheat provides energy-rich complex carbohydrates, and bananas contain both fructose and potassium, which support glycogen formation in the liver and muscles to minimize muscle breakdown in the body.