Learning about HGH . some questions ?


New member
Just wanting to get some basic facts about HGH . Say if someone wanted to run some HGH . Being at the costs it is . to extend it 1) would say running only 2IU a day be efficient . 2) how long would u want to run a dose for , how manys months . Ive been reading 3-4 IU daily . So say i chose to run 3-4 IU , how many months to get some results . and i mean minimum months . Im trying to be most cost efficient as possible to get some type of result . Can i do 2IU for 3 months ?
Depends on your goals, the quality of your GH/source, how it's been handled/stored and your response to it (among other things)
Usually most guys start seeing viable results in the form of fat loss around 6-7 months into the run if their gh is legit. After about a year you should see subtle increases in muscle mass as a result of hyperplasia (cell division) which can be greatly enhanced by AAS which has a synergistic effect when combined (hypertrophy + hyperplasia).

Early in the run you should notice other changes as well such as smoother skin, more youthful appearance, faster hair/nail growth etc. if you looking to take 3-4 iu/day for four months in the hopes of adding some quick muscle you money may be better off spent elsewhere as hgh gains although mostly permanent take some time to add.
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