Leave your ego at the door!


New member
This has probably been discussed before but after training today i have to let this out and see if it annoys you guys as much as me!
Im a very sociable guy and love giving advice and pointers to anyone that listens but today i was training hammys and calves did my normal warmup of 10 mins light cross trainer with a few static stretches then moved onto doing deadlifts.
Now I'm 5'8 178lbs and around 11% bf and cutting at the moment, also not on any cycle, i warmup with 132lbs for 15 reps, do this twice then move up the weight till I'm doing 308lbs for 8-10 reps.
I have a guy in front of me also doing deadlifts who looks to be about 6'2 and i'd say weighs easy 230lbs, now I can see he's starting to get fucked off with the weight I'm pulling compared to him so he slaps on 330lbs and does the most horrific deadlift i have ever seen his back had more of a round in it than beyonces ass!
Also he does this for one rep, so i say to him "are you training for powerlifting?"and he responds "nah just warming up" to which i say genuinely trying to help "you may want to work on your form man your back had quite the round in it deadlifts can fuck your back pretty bad with incorrect form" and he just looks at me like I'm an arsehole and says yeah whatever and puts his headphones back in.
I was so fucked off i hope the muppet slips a disc and thinks back to himself maybe that guy knew what he was talking about i should of listened.
Sorry guys had to let that out was so pissed off haha at least it pit me in the zone after that and had a great workout!
Im not saying i know everything but I've been pretty fortunate to have an extremely good pt who is a ex national bodybuilder and now a judge for bb shows to educate me i spent a long time perfecting my form on everything so i like to help where i can, ill just keep my mouth shut from now on and let people do damage to their bodies.

People hate to be told their wrong.
Yesterday a guy was DEADLIFTING by us and he weighed 158# and had 445 on the bar, skinny as a twig and was pulling it for one reps.
My mind was blown. His back was a little rounded but for a guy yanking 3x his body weight and doesn't look like he even lifts. I ask him he man what your weight and pointed out he deadlifts (almost no legs).
He responds how was my form? I said "surprisingly it wasn't that bad considering the weight. But a little rounded. I said here look and showed him the video I took of him. (Creeper mode but I'm dead set to perfect my DEADLIFTING form so I like to get video of people pulling)

Showed him and he was actually glad I did it and started to tell me he use to be into powerlifting and just got back into it a few months ago.
So my point is there is always a flip side to approaching people, and I would continue to help people.
Maybe I'm a dick, but unless someone asks me something I don't care if they want to snatch on a bosu ball.

Yeah man, you obviously had the best intentions, but egos sometimes are so big, that humility can't exist. I'm a PT at a health club/gym, and it's my job to help people out. I usually just say "excuse me bro, can I make a suggestion? My name is xxxxx and I work here (goes without saying bc I'm wearing the PT uniform). ..." It all depends.....a lot of people will be thankful, others just seem to want to hurt themselves. I helped out this guy the other day (probably in his late 40's), who had horrific form on squats (huge trunk tilt, and he was on the balls of his feet....literally to the point where his heels were coming up off the ground). I mentioned how over time, that would lead to knee problems (patella tendon)....he asked me to show him, and now he's a client. WIN! But, there have also been occasions where it worked out similar to your situation. I will say most of the people who are receptive, typically, aren't in their 20's if that makes sense. It is what it is brother. In my opinion, it looks 10x better to nail the form with a lighter weight than to push your way through a heavier weight with mediocre form. I've had enough injuries to last a couple lifetimes (labrum, bicep, acl, herniated disk), and oddly enough, none of them were from lifting. I say keep trying to help, but be as polite as possible.....karma my friend!

Yeah man, you obviously had the best intentions, but egos sometimes are so big, that humility can't exist. I'm a PT at a health club/gym, and it's my job to help people out. I usually just say "excuse me bro, can I make a suggestion? My name is xxxxx and I work here (goes without saying bc I'm wearing the PT uniform). ..." It all depends.....a lot of people will be thankful, others just seem to want to hurt themselves. I helped out this guy the other day (probably in his late 40's), who had horrific form on squats (huge trunk tilt, and he was on the balls of his feet....literally to the point where his heels were coming up off the ground). I mentioned how over time, that would lead to knee problems (patella tendon)....he asked me to show him, and now he's a client. WIN! But, there have also been occasions where it worked out similar to your situation. I will say most of the people who are receptive, typically, aren't in their 20's if that makes sense. It is what it is brother. In my opinion, it looks 10x better to nail the form with a lighter weight than to push your way through a heavier weight with mediocre form. I've had enough injuries to last a couple lifetimes (labrum, bicep, acl, herniated disk), and oddly enough, none of them were from lifting. I say keep trying to help, but be as polite as possible.....karma my friend!

Glad to hear your a pt and do that man i see so many trainers see people with the worst form and just carry on walking, and i even see trainers showing people how to do exercises with the worst form! Is it that easy to become a pt these days! I've done the first part of my pt papers but decided to start travelling earlier than anticipated so haven't finished them and know I've still got a lot to learn before i train people!
I just hate how the way weightlifting is going I blame it on douchbag shows like jersey shore hah sick of big guys walking in to the gym like they've just walked out of the hairdresser and fake tan booth i mean come on!
And i totally agree with you on correct form over weight its not a competition to see who can lift the most or anything the only person your competing against is yourself imo.
Honestly I wish more people would say something if they saw awful technique. Particularly with deads or squats. I saw a group of 3 teenagers getting to deadlift at my gym, form was horrendous, was waiting to hear their back snap. There was a personal trainer nearby, rather than offering advice the prick just laughed at them....
Glad to hear your a pt and do that man i see so many trainers see people with the worst form and just carry on walking, and i even see trainers showing people how to do exercises with the worst form! Is it that easy to become a pt these days! I've done the first part of my pt papers but decided to start travelling earlier than anticipated so haven't finished them and know I've still got a lot to learn before i train people!
I just hate how the way weightlifting is going I blame it on douchbag shows like jersey shore hah sick of big guys walking in to the gym like they've just walked out of the hairdresser and fake tan booth i mean come on!
And i totally agree with you on correct form over weight its not a competition to see who can lift the most or anything the only person your competing against is yourself imo.

No doubt!! And regarding the pt certs...there are a ton out there. About 3-4 good ones, that require a solid amount of studying to get, and then they're are the ones that you could get with only limited, general knowledge (gained through about 6 months of training). That being said, there are plenty of crap pt's out there for sure.

If you're considering getting certed, I'd go with NSCA or NASM. I have my CPT through NSCA and NASM, and I have an additional cert through NASM, the CES (corrective exercise specialist). I'm currently preparing for the CSCS through NSCA.....man that cert is extremely hard to get. Once the CSCS designation is earned, you could potentially be considered for employment with professional sports teams (NFL, MLS, MLB,NBA, etc). Pretty cool! The club I work at also has additional certs specific to the assessments offered, and I'm currently working on getting my metabolic specialist cert. In addition to general metabolic knowledge, I'd be testing clients through what's called an active metabolic assessment, which essentially is a cardio assessment that, with the use of a computer and face mask, tells the tester at which point the client is burning primarily fat or glucose (sugar). For guys like us (I'm 5'8", 170lbs, 10%bf), it's very valuable info as it's easy for us to be catabolic during cardiovascular training. I enjoy learning (lol if you couldn't tell), and it makes it easier when you're studying something you really enjoy. In addition, I always try new things/training methodologies before I'm "sold" on what I'm reading, so I can personally attest to what I'm preaching. My clients like that.....I'm not just regurgitating info from a text. PM me if you have any specific questions. I'd be more than happy to help my man!
Honestly I wish more people would say something if they saw awful technique. Particularly with deads or squats. I saw a group of 3 teenagers getting to deadlift at my gym, form was horrendous, was waiting to hear their back snap. There was a personal trainer nearby, rather than offering advice the prick just laughed at them....

Yeah bro I've seen this happen before as well makes me want to go smack the trainer round the back of the head and tell him to do his job instead of flirting with all the hot single mums in there haha
No doubt!! And regarding the pt certs...there are a ton out there. About 3-4 good ones, that require a solid amount of studying to get, and then they're are the ones that you could get with only limited, general knowledge (gained through about 6 months of training). That being said, there are plenty of crap pt's out there for sure.

If you're considering getting certed, I'd go with NSCA or NASM. I have my CPT through NSCA and NASM, and I have an additional cert through NASM, the CES (corrective exercise specialist). I'm currently preparing for the CSCS through NSCA.....man that cert is extremely hard to get. Once the CSCS designation is earned, you could potentially be considered for employment with professional sports teams (NFL, MLS, MLB,NBA, etc). Pretty cool! The club I work at also has additional certs specific to the assessments offered, and I'm currently working on getting my metabolic specialist cert. In addition to general metabolic knowledge, I'd be testing clients through what's called an active metabolic assessment, which essentially is a cardio assessment that, with the use of a computer and face mask, tells the tester at which point the client is burning primarily fat or glucose (sugar). For guys like us (I'm 5'8", 170lbs, 10%bf), it's very valuable info as it's easy for us to be catabolic during cardiovascular training. I enjoy learning (lol if you couldn't tell), and it makes it easier when you're studying something you really enjoy. In addition, I always try new things/training methodologies before I'm "sold" on what I'm reading, so I can personally attest to what I'm preaching. My clients like that.....I'm not just regurgitating info from a text. PM me if you have any specific questions. I'd be more than happy to help my man!

Cheers man sounds like your a pt that's actually put the time and effort in to become good at what you do. And thanks for the info ill definitely look into it!
Copy that. Yeah, weight is so arbitrary IMO. I know what I can bench, squat, pull, etc, but rarely go close to my max. I find that my body responds best to slower, focused/controlled reps to really get that muscle mind connection dialed in. On occasion, I'll go heavy and guys 60lbs heavier than me do the same thing that happened to you. I just smile and focus on my business so to speak. I'd rather have a symmetrical, well shaped physique as opposed to being in a sling from trying to bench a lot of weight bc someone else is. Plain slippery if you ask me. Yup, keep me posted. Even if you don't do PT full time, it's a pretty cool side gig.