legit test e ? (hulk)

Yeah, I have used them. Had better product. I would advise not to use them and I will tell you why. I recieved a package in the mail the other day. In the return address spot was my name and address. I never sent this package. Opened it, it had gear in it. That SOB used my name and address to send stuff. The only reason I found out is because the DA didn't pay any postage on it so it was 'returned' to the 'sender.' Beware and do not use them unless you want your name and address possibly stolen as well
Yeah, I have used them. Had better product. I would advise not to use them and I will tell you why. I recieved a package in the mail the other day. In the return address spot was my name and address. I never sent this package. Opened it, it had gear in it. That SOB used my name and address to send stuff. The only reason I found out is because the DA didn't pay any postage on it so it was 'returned' to the 'sender.' Beware and do not use them unless you want your name and address possibly stolen as well

The gear is legit. Hulk labs is a legit ugl but If the above is true I would avoid them like aids.
yeah its gtg sorry for the big delay on the reply i tend to just read up more then post but ended up with the cyp over enth, but no pip and ended up putting on roughly 15lbs +or- 1-2 but that was through my fault in slipping in the diet
Hulks stuff has mass specs ran on it testing above 90%, you guys don't really know shit about gear on this forum ,sad to say.
Hulks stuff has mass specs ran on it testing above 90%, you guys don't really know shit about gear on this forum ,sad to say.

People are apprehensive and negative because they haven't seen or heard of it.
Hulk is legit I have used there test and adex both were go to go. The adex was liquid and the best tasting easiest to swallow liquid I have used. Had bloods taken while on both my estro was in the low 20's.

Seems hulk is having trouble recently getting deliveries made. That on top of what the guy said about his package here is cause for concern. From what I have used the quality of the gear is not an issue.
Hulk products are definitely legit, especially the test. However note that the site has been down for weeks on end and just recently reopened, which typically is not a problem but there payment methodology changed to overseas instead of being domestic. To me that is a red flag of concern but in the past they have been awesome.
Not a good idea to discuss payment methods on the open forum but some ugl domestics do overseas payment as well! It's a good way to keep Uncle Sam outta your business!