length on cycle. Advice please :)


New member
Hi guys

Running a low dose. My other post kind of explains why. The longest I've ever gone on for is 16weeks on cycle. So my question today is can you run a lower dose longer? But not as low as trt

300mg of test per week
250ui hcg X2 a week
.25mg arimidex eod
At some point in the cycle 8 weeks var 50mg/day

Because the test is lower than what I normally blast will I get longer on it? Tbf I know when it's time to stop usually cus my body feels like I should stop.
Yeah always a solid pct in place.
I was thinking prop only as I have some but could go test e. Prop would be 50 eod which is a little higher than what I said.
Goals are to just get cut up and get a clean athletic look. And I feel crap lately and test is like a pick me up lol.

Honestly man, I have a diet I did w/o any gear. Its called Can you lose 1%bf a week. i started at 17% went down to 6%, i have pictures and a log with the diet that I used. Check it out. I did that diet 6 weeks after my PCT which the diet lasted 13 weeks. I wouldn't run a cycle honestly just to lose weight. I can't control what you will do. But I'm hoping that the log I made can hopefully motivate you enough to change your thought on this. LMK what ya think.

Impressive. Obviously dialled your diet in. However I would still like to know the answer just because I'm curious. What will shut down longer? The length on or the dose?
Exogenous testosterone is going to suppress you. On TRT, you are suppressed. Unless you're running like... 25mg/week you're going to be shut down pretty much.
If you're worried about it, run test and var together for 8 weeks and then get the F off the gear. The sooner you're off the better chance at recovery.
^ what they said. If you're going to run the test I think that running anywhere between 200-300 is basically a trt dose range. Yes you can get by it. Shit if i was going to hop on that low of test I'd run tren ace lol. But thats me. I believe you can get your results you're looking for w/o this gear. Give it a try. Also I would stop anywhere from 8-15 weeks of running gear. Test E I would run the longest would be 15 weeks and test p for 12-14. The longer you're on, the harder it can be to recover. Everyone is different. I found that I recovered better when I ran a longer cycle, or maybe it was just from using torem instead of clomid/nolva