Letro/Caber conflict on cycle + Gyno on cycle(Test E, Test P, Tren A)


New member
I started a cycle about 8 weeks ago. I have a vast knowledge and experience using ph/ds and have been surfing forums for years and finally decided to be a participant. I decided on my first cycle as an advanced cycle against the general consensus saying tren is for advanced users only. Also, I am running this cycle for a total period of six months. I know I am gonna get flamed for this but I am not doing this to look a little better, I plan to compete and possibly make this a career as I am in the fitness industry already.

Cycle looks like this:
1-24: Test E - 250mg/week
1-24: Test P - 50mg EOD
1-12: Tren A - 100mg EOD
12-24: Tren A - 75mg ED
Clen 2 weeks on/off till end of cycle 100mcg ED (with taper)

I took Arimidex from week 1 at .5mg EOD and had caber on hand, planning to use it if I developed tren gyno, otherwise I was gonna start it at the 12 week mark when I bumped my tren dose.

About 4 weeks in, I started developing gyno, sensitivity and slight pain.. I took 1mg adex ED for a week till my letro came, then tapered my letro from .5mg to 2.5mg and now I have been on that dose for two weeks. All pain and sensitivity has subsided however the lump is under my right nipple still. At first I thought it was getting smaller, but it fluctuates and is generally hard and the same size about dime size.

Going into PCT is not an option as I will finish this cycle as planned. The gyno is not noticable except to me... psychologically shitty tho. PCT I plan to run nolva, clomid, and HCG.

MY MAIN QUESTION is if I am on letro for the remainder on the cycle, do I still need to run the caber? Should I try to nuke the lump with 5mg letro? Will PCT take away the gyno? I know progesterone related gyno is different so my guess is I DO.. my joints are a little achy and i'm a little lethargic but nothing significant. No strength loss...

Any advice is appreciated... Thanks!
I don't know man! There's so much wrong here, where to begin. Should stay with adex not letro. Run nolvadex at 40mgs a day to reduce gyno. Not understanding the test prop with test e throughout but whatever. That's a long time on tren too. U got liver support? Prami and caber is ran to lower prolactin caused by tren, not "tren gyno". I run caber .5 e3d. I run tren 100mgs every day for 6-8 weeks. This is just a crazy cycle u got going. I don't think u know what your doing with this one.
I have liver support I am going to take it during PCT to cleanse my system. I can't go back to adex because it clearly was not working for my estro I still developed a lump. I am keeping the lump at bay right now, and didn't want to run a SERM because I read that they work against each other (letro+SERM) and letro is supposed to get rid of most of my estrogen anyway. Do you think this might be the time to run nolva anyway?

Ideally, I want my lump to disappear and return to using adex as AI throughout cycle.
24 weeks cycle is ridiculous man. 24 weeks on tren is just plain beyond ridiculous. Your gains are going to cease long before your cycle. There is no such thing as tren gyno. You need to jump on raloxifene..stop your cycle at 12-14 weeks. Run the ralox alongside your ai. Letro is not the way to go about removing gyno. Your ai on cycle should manage e2 level and if there is gyno a serm will treat it. ralox is avail from rui. You dont need to taper clen. HCG has no place in pct - it is suppressive. This is a total hot mess man .....
By tren gyno, I meant prolactin-induced gyno... I am bumping the tren dose halfway through and I am hoping to get the most out of the cycle in those 3 months. With the clen, if I hop off at 100mcg and wait two weeks, I find that if I jump right back to 100mcg I cramp extremely easy and get dehydrated so I taper 20, 40, 60, 80, 100mcg--->

The HCG I was truly not sure about and need advice. My nuts havent really shrank much. As far as gyno, my understanding is that letro is the best thing for reversing gyno... please explain.
Also I should mention I am running the tren this long because of its muscle-preserving and fat-burning properties as I diet down from 18% to 8%. I am already 15% in two months eating very clean.. tilapia, chicken, sweet potato, egg whites, oatmeal.. the whole shabang
I don't know. U got your whole cycle screwed up and u don't even know why. I really don't know what to say but wow. It's a cluster fuck of bad moves. It really is.
One option I am seriously considering is to cut it to 20 weeks, starting the caber, upping the dose now and running tren @ 75mg ED, test the same way.. however I am really at a loss with the AI. I want to stay on the letro in the case that the gyno does disappear, but I'm not sure this is the right move. I felt better on Arimidex of course vs. letro but the lump is a priority. Do you recommend I taper down the letro and stay on Arimidex till I PCT in 10 weeks?? Or should I stay on letro until lump reduces which might be till end of cycle?

Clomid 100/100/50/50 + Nolva 40/40/20/20 seems sufficient for PCT.
I can also add nolva to my letro while I am on cycle until the lump goes away, then go back to adex.. What do you guys think I should do?
Thanks. What are the differences between nolva and ralox? And I know we are not supposed to name sources but RUI? not sure what this is
1-24: Test E - 250mg/week
1-8: Tren A - 100mg EOD
15-23: Tren A - 100mg EoD

Fuck the clen because you have tren. Not trying to bash on you but based on looking at your cycle, i don't believe you have used tren nor do you really understand this Godly compound that will strike back at you if mistreated. If your honestly gonna run that cycle of yours and your obsessed with the tren, then run it like how it is above, not fucken 24weeks. I wouldn't even want to honestly think bout PCT and how long it would take. Esp since your not even running HCG and etc..

Q: Why are you running test prop***8230;***8230;.. dumb
Q: Have fun as the side effects of tren will kill your body after 12 weeks. I only do 8 weeks max.

Just sayin'.

I would be honestly surprised if you can maintain tren longer than 14 weeks as the body just starts to tell you to STOP taking it. You have a LOT more reading to do man.
Man cut down the length. Even if you wanna go pro as you mentioned wouldnt it make more sense to do a cycle bridge cycle. At least give ur body a chance to rebound so u can get more gains. For every action there is a reaction, what goes up must come down, there is no biological free lunch. I can go on- id break it up.

Just sayin'.

I would be honestly surprised if you can maintain tren longer than 14 weeks as the body just starts to tell you to STOP taking it. You have a LOT more reading to do man.

Haha too true, I ran Tren for three months and had to switch to deca bc it was wayyy to hard on me.