Letro/Caber conflict on cycle + Gyno on cycle(Test E, Test P, Tren A)

The test prop I got three vials for free so I wanted to throw it in the cycle without running a significant amount of test since I am trying to cut. Thanks for the advice guys. I have run CEL X-Tren twice but I know it is not the same. Having been on tren for 10 weeks now, I am not feeling any insomnia, real aggression, night sweats, or none of the side effects that people discuss. I have decided to cut it to 20 weeks, and on my next cycle I will definitely create a gap between tren cycles as I stay on test as mentioned above! If it gets to be too hard on my body, of course I will cut it out.

My ralox is on its way, and the size of the gyno has cut in half, so I am hoping that the ralox will take it away so I can taper down on the letro and jump back on arimidex...

For PCT on this duration of a cycle, will Clomid/Nolva + CEL Formestane be enough for four weeks or is there a longer protocol I should follow?