Letro good for lump gyno?


New member
Through research, I found the suggestion that letro is far superior to nolva in reversing the existing pre-stages of lump gyno. Anyone have any input on this matter?????
i heard alot of guys that have developed a small pea sized lump have reduced or broken down the breast tissue with letro! but if the lump has got to a nice size i doubt it,ll do much for you apart from stopping it gettin worse but to get rid your lookin at surgery i would think! please correct me if im wrong but im not aware of nolva reversing the effects of gyno it just blocks the estrogen from the gland
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I think you're right. I have read so many conflicting articles and threads on this matter that I am just exhausted. I have come to believe one should use nolva if nips get itchy, but if tissue hardening starts to happen, one should go with letro??????? Any other input is greatly welcome!!!!!
I would use letro for reduction if its hard and rigt under the nipple. Is this from tren or test or ?
Most likely test. I just did a sust/tren cycle, but have been off tren for 6 weeks. My sore and what I think is hardening glandular tissue under my left nip started in my 3rd week of post cycle therapy (pct). I was just running nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) at 40mgs per day for the first 2 weeks and had just tapered it down to 20mgs per day for the remaining 2 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) when the gyno symptoms appeared. I firmly believe that this is non-tren related gyno.....
up thedose of letro everyday until it is gone then taper back down. You can use your nolva when done to make sure no rebound occurs but doubt there will be any. Beware though you might get aching joints and lowered sex drive from letro but it is said to work wonders on gyno.
Day 1: .25mg letro
Day 2: .50mg letro
Day 3: 1.0mg letro
Day 4: 1.5mg letro
Day 5: 2.0mg letro
Day 6: 2.5mg letro
Read this protocol in a thread before and the individual that used it had gyno for a year and Letro took care of it completely.