Letrozole is some strong shit!


New member
This cycle I decided to experiment a little. All my previous cycles I always ran arimidex all the way through. This time I decided not to use any anti estrogen until I saw noticable signs of aromatzation. I never recommend this to other people because some people are very gyno prone but I never have gyno problems so I tried it. I finally started letrozole at the end of week 3 at the low dose of 1.25 mg eod(.5 cc). Within one week all bloat,puffy nipples, and other signs of estrogen build up were gone. I should point out also the heavy cycle I am running.
weeks 1-10 1200mg enth
weeks 1-7 50mg dbol ed
weeks 6-12 75mg fina ed
weeks 10-13 50 mg prop ed.

My point is just to show that if I could run a very heavy cycle with no anti estrogens for the first 3 weeks and then clear up all signs of aromatiztion in just one week with only 1.25 mg of letrozole eod than this is some powerful shit.
I find it just right!! A little better than A-dex, but not as strong as aromasin, which I think is overkill! Estrogen is key for growth!!
I find it just right!! A little better than A-dex, but not as strong as aromasin, which I think is overkill! Estrogen is key for growth!!

So u recommend letrozole over A-DEx. Is it cheaper?
It does come out cheaper depending on the dosage you are using. I am using .5 cc eod which means at that rate 30 cc would last me 17 weeks. Not bad for 90$
fatchops said:
So u recommend letrozole over A-DEx. Is it cheaper?

It is dose dependant, but usually a little more expensive. I can get away with 1.25mg EOD and it wwork like 1 mg of a-dex. So yes, it can be cheaper!

Aromasin is just to strong. I mean come on 98% suppression of estrogen for up to 5 days?? I need more for growth!
Wartime100 said:
It does come out cheaper depending on the dosage you are using. I am using .5 cc eod which means at that rate 30 cc would last me 17 weeks. Not bad for 90$

FUCKER!!!!:mad: that's a good price. Good luck on your cycle keep me updated bro
Never used aromasin but it seems a bit powerful for a bulking cycle.
I' d use it when it's time to cut to totally supress any fat which would be related to oestrogen .
I just recieved 1 gram of letrozole powder, and suspended it in everclear. Doesn't suspend good in that. I used 100ml of everclear, so the dosage was 2.5mg per 1/4ml. I gave it to a friend that is really gyno sensetive. He looks at dbol he gets gyno. I'll see how it works for him. I would like to try some aromasin sometime.

Letrozole is THE SHIT....

I was using letro at 2.5mg ED now I am using but 2.5mg EOD & no h20 retention what so ever...I am more cut than every, what h2o I had even b4 the cycle I think it expelled from my body...

clockwork said:
I just recieved 1 gram of letrozole powder, and suspended it in everclear. Doesn't suspend good in that. I used 100ml of everclear, so the dosage was 2.5mg per 1/4ml. I gave it to a friend that is really gyno sensetive. He looks at dbol he gets gyno. I'll see how it works for him. I would like to try some aromasin sometime.

CLOCKWORK- I suspended 1 gram of letro in 400ml of everclear. came to be 2.5mg/ml. it suspends quite well, just make sure to finely grind the letro crystals and heat up the everclear a little
Yeah I found that out after I put the whole gram of Letro in the everclear. There were big crystals in there that wouldn't dissolve easily or fit through an 18ga pin.