lets see some tri workouts


Community Veteran
I am bored with mine, and just going through the motions, i need some ideas. I am starting out with nosebreakers, and after that, it is all downhill.
i do 5 sets of one of the following :

5 board
cg bench
incline cg bench
Close grip bench
Rope pushdowns (full extension, many people don'tdo these right)
Single arm pressdowns.
Today I did:

Close grip bench
seated DB behind neck french press
kneeling rope extensions (elbows on a bench)
Rope pushdowns ...warmup 2 sets 12 non working
Close grip bench....5x5
California Presses...4x10
Camber bar pushdowns.....5x6......last set to complete failure
Yesterday I did....

TWO SETS FOR ALL EXERCISES LISTED (I didn't count reps. I picked a weight and did it until I couldn't get another rep. Most sets were around the 10-12 range. Never fewer than 6 reps, never more than 15)

Behind neck Dumbell Extensions (One arm)
Rope pushdowns (elbows out)
Two Hand Behind Neck dumbell extension (heavy)
Over head triceps cable extension
Two Handed Machine Tricep Press (sort of like reverse hammer curls)
Reverse tricep pushdowns
Laying cross body extensions (one arm)
Pull over and press (EZ bar, narrow grip)

That's it. My tris are sore as hell today.
I start with close grip bench press.

Then skull crushers or lying french press. I do my skull crusher a little different, lying on the bench with my head off the end of the bench. My elbows are above my head, when I finish the move the bar is at belt high if I had a spotter. With my arms lock in that position only moving the forarms.

Finish then off with 21's, use a cable machine with a bar over head. Then 7 reps from all the way back to the middle, 7 reps from the middle to full extention, finishing with 7 reps full motion.
