Let's Talk About SARMssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


I am banned!
What is your experience with SARM? What do you think of it in general? The reason I ask is because it looks like a fine alternative to oral steroids. Maybe it can help bust some of the negativity on this board about taking gear orally.

edit: sorry about the title it wouldn't let me post is normally
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SARMS are a nice alternative to AAS, they are also good to get youre feet wet in the supplement game
IMO, if you want to talk about Sarms, the discussion begins and ends with Sarmssearch. Just sayin'
sarms are a great tool but they are not a replacement for AAS, they will help cut, add endurance, and add keep able gains of lean muscle but they are expensive and will not build slabs on your body.
They are also relatively new and the long term sides are not known tbh, I know there are little studies on AAS but they have been used for a while and side effects are more commonly known.

I use and love them for a number of purposes and they have there place for sure.