LG Science Trifecta Stack??


New member
I have been looking into purchasing the Lg Science trifecta stack (6 wks) since it was recomended to me on this cite. I was reading up on it and there was a lot of talk about having a proper post cycle therapy (pct) afterwards (I couldn't find anything in the form that said they were taking any other gear) what are you guys' thoughts on this??

It comes with post cycle therapy (pct), in the product Formadrol. It is a complete cycle.

how soon after my post cycle therapy (pct) for t-bol could i start this stack?

and should i mix in milk thistle with the post cycle therapy (pct) or do it alone after?

if i was looking to do this stacka few times how long inbetween cycles should i wait??

keep the answers coming it is so much help....and is saving my body