* LGD-4033 : 10mg x 8 weeks VS 8mg x 10 weeks *


New member
Age : 35 years old
Years training : 18 years
Height : 5'9''
Weight : 178lbs at around 10% bodyfat
Goal : Lose 2-4% bodyfat while retaining/(gaining?) muscles mass

I have 60ml of LGD 4033 ( 10mg per ml )

Considering my stats and goal would you go with :

a) 8 weeks at 10mg per day


b) 10 weeks at 8 mg per day

for optimal results and minimal side effects ?
what previous experience do you have with this or any gear?

I did my very first test only cycle ( 325mg tes blend for 8 week ) this winter. Had decent results , gained and kept most of my strength and lean muscle
Overall I liked it, but didnt like the injections process & Post injection pain. I'm also concerned with the possible side effects from ASS.
And not even sure sure if I will ever do another cycle ..


Thats why I wanted to give Sarms a try
If you read the anecdotal reports from across the internet it appears that side effects seem to set in around week 8. Namely lethargy and drop in libido. Most who ran it past that said it wasn't worth it. So I'd run 10mg for 8 weeks.
I agree with builtbeast. Also note that LGD is suppressive, just like test is. Every single person in the test group (several months of use) recovered completely without any drugs, but I would do a small PCT just to be on the safe side. Always best to be safe than sorry! LEG is a powerful SARM, so you should see results nicely. The work still has to be done by you, but you already know that.

The reason you want to use it is why many use SARMs. SARMs do not require needles and are 100% legal (in the US and Canada at least - always check the laws of your area) to buy and sell in liquid form. It is not legal to USE them on a human, but no one will be knocking down your door yelling "on the ground!" when you buy SARMs. :)

The biggest negative of SARMs is that they are not yet as powerful as AAS. Anyone who says they are is being dishonest. Each person just has to weigh the pros and cons for themselves and decide which is right. Many feel as you do, so don't feel bad about it at all. Had I not come down with Low T and have to take Test shots just to be a functional human again, I would NEVER push a needle through my skin. I hated needles with a passion...
Just beginning my 5th week at 10mg per day and so far I didn't notice any strength gains on compound lift and I didn't gain any weight at maintenance calorie ... I'm disappointed.

LGD-4033 was bought from a reputable source ( proven pep )
Just beginning my 5th week at 10mg per day and so far I didn't notice any strength gains on compound lift and I didn't gain any weight at maintenance calorie ... I'm disappointed.

LGD-4033 was bought from a reputable source ( proven pep )

I cannot say if they are any good or not, but one thing you have to make sure of is that you fed yourself well enough. I don't know how knowledgeable you are, but that is a common thing people mess up. They forget to increase their caloric intake so the body can build muscles.

Give ours a shot, see what you think.