lgd is a test base needed


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Hey guys
In my latest clean bulk ive added lgd into the mix with some great results so far
So ive been doing a bit more research into lgd 4033 and found that nearly evreyone that uses it dosnt use a test base even though its suppressive even at small doses .
So i was wondering why this is ?? Is it because its supposed to be a safer alternative to basically mimicking the effects test or if it works like pro hormones that have a test base in pill form
It just seems strange that its common knowledge that men cant run oral only aas cycles but sarm only cycles seem to be getting more popular
Most people who use SARMs do so to avoid the negatives that come from AAS. SARMs are legal to buy and sell in liquid form (just not legal for a human to ingest), so no lawman is going to ever show up at your door. SARMs also do not have to be injected. SARMs also do not increase E2 levels. So if they are using SARMs for either of those two reasons, they will not use Test while running LGD, no matter how suppressive it is.

I personally think using AAS and SARMs together is a winning combo. Use test to replace that which is lost due to suppression and SARMs for all positive benefits of them. I enjoy using test, GW50, and S4 together. I like how that works in me.
Fair enough but woudnt just running sarms alone be like running an oral only cycle even if est isnt a problem with sarms???
Ah yea i added lgd to my latest cycle its unbelievable the strength gains are something else
I havent ran gw50 or s4 yet but i will at some stage
Fair enough but woudnt just running sarms alone be like running an oral only cycle even if est isnt a problem with sarms???

there are rumors out there that some of the sarms that are shutting people down hard, are actually 'laced' with oral AAS compounds. IF that was the case, then no there would be no difference.
however running something that is supposed to not be too hard on the hpta , like gw50 , then there is a big difference. you would not need a 'testosterone replacement' dose of test to run it like you would say Dbol.

imo, anything that shuts you down needs to have exogenous test added to the cycle, otherwise there is no point or real benefit because the shut down will negatively effect any possible positives
S4 and Osta are only slightly suppressive so you would not need to run test with them, but lgd I would recommend it. So it really depends on the SARM in question.
Yea i am running a test base with the lgd i was just curious as to why there is so many guys running lgd as a stand alone
And yea i have herd that companies have added oral aas to sarms to save $$$$$ .
But whatever is in the stuff ive got its working for me
I suppose its no different than all the idiots I've meet only running var winnie or even tren as stand alone cycles