Life in Mississippi


New member
My first real run in undergrad was sponsored by a best friends dad who was a gp and his brother was a vet. Yeah. No shit. Bottles of test for 5.50 and all that as we ed order 10 packs through the clinic.
1 summer a friend got a study thing in Russia and came back with a large stash of what was reported to be GH.
But no label. What to do ? Ask doc of course as he was a farmer, hunter, diesel mechanic, gunsmith, father of 8 with 4 wives, horse breeder, pilot and had his own bulldozer to boot. Doctoring paid for all this madness.

"Well boys, constitute it, shoot 3 iu s into the cat 3 days running and if he ain t dead in a week you will probably be OK"
We did it, cat was fine and 9 months later he won MR X and I got like 6 pair of shoes as his feet went from 10 s to 11.5.
This is the same doc who cut out my mammary glands for free as he felt guilty for my lactating. Male milk does not, repeat , not look good in a grey shirt or at the lake oozing down your darkly tanned pec. Hard to be cool lactating fellas. Nothing lke a hottie asking you what THAT is......

I had to demo my eastern side bonus room on my house due to termites eating into the floor joists. As I was rolling out the dumpster I was wondering just how much that damn truck can lift. As I was filling it with water I knew it would not leak as it was brand new. (My last one leaked as I had to see how far back I could drive both an arrow and .177 pellet through it with some friends but I digress.
My buddy pulled up on his rice burner and said " That ain t gonna be no problem for THAT truck. You think !? Its full of sawdust, cinder blocks and now water."
Well Mick lives in the county. And they have like 5 cans as his roommate works nights and is a thief. If you leave your can out for more than 2 days Dale thinks you don t want it. (He has like 23 cousins in one zip code so go figger) Mick said he came home the other day and noticed a Heffer (female cow not a fat chick masturbating to the food channel) was laying down. He chucked a rock at it and it did not move. Threw a part of a brick, direct hit and still got nothing. It was dead. GD it. (We obviously do not worship cows around here; we eat them or milk them and then eat them. Pretty sure it is not a relative re-incarnated)
Called Dale. " I knew she was sick. Shit. Stay there and help me get rid of it".??!! They called a cop redneck and he said " Go for it " as he was just as curious.
Well Dale showed up with a chain saw and de limbed the carcass, used a chain and front end loader to drop the carcass in a BFI can; but the head and shoulders were sticking up. They got another one and cut straight across. "Unreal how heavy a cows head and shoulder are T. Had to stick the hook into an eye"
Mick said the truck struggled, leaned a little and grunted and the boy in the cab got a little spookey looking as he was probably worried he was gonna have to pay for it, but the truck was able to load it. The hardest part was waiting for Friday to come around to get the other can. More flies than after a Somalian firefight.

I love it around here. Shit makes sense. Fuck the gubment. Stay on your side of the tracks and I'll stay on mine.

Ya ll ever stick stuff in a can or wonder wtf if I did whatever ?

I am probably gonna get ripped but fear not the mod label. Go for it. If you do not get caught .........
What about the poor guys at the landfill ? Shoulda stayed in school.
The environment? 2 BILLION Chinese are having more of a negative impact on the planet than a redneck and his can, cans...whatever...
Yep, that sounds like my people. Keepin it real in Mississippi.

Great story. Now u all have a greater understanding of how much weight those fuckers will lift.