life off the sauce - my journey


New member
i've made a few threads here before but i want to make this my official log.

i'm 21 years old, 22 in june, and i've been cruising since late april 2012. my first cycle was september 2011 for 8 weeks but was off since then and april. to be honest steroids have been great to me, and if i wasnt going into the military soon i'd probably still continue to use them but nonetheless it's good to give your body a break regardless if you want to come off for good or not.

for my almost 3 year cruise i only fucked with test and tren, never went over 700mg test a week, never went over 700mg tren ace a week.

i used to love being big and shredded and i knew i needed steroids to get there, but now im just not into that anymore. i still love working out, and still have most of the size i gained, but now my main focus is overall shape and conditioning. so for lack of better words, im retiring from the gym lifestyle. i used to diet like crazy, train like crazy, all that stuff im sure you guys know what i mean.

i've been cruising on test prop 50mg EOD from september following my summer tren blast.

January 25, 2015 i started doing 500iu HCG ED, and then on January 31 i decided that that is my final pin of test prop and continued to do 700iu of HCG ED for a week and on the last few days of that week i was doing 1000iu ED.

a few days after i dropped the test i started getting into this bad mood. i felt tired and weak at work even though i got 8 hours of sleep at night, and even after drinking coffees and red bulls. the days seemed like they were lasting forever, i was tired all the time, mellow mood, felt kinda depressed and just felt so "whatever" about everything.

fortunately, that feeling is slowly fading away and i am starting to experience this clear-mindedness that i havent felt in a while. i dont even remember wjat its like not to be on hormones. i'm getting some bloodwork done today just to see whats going on, now i am 2 days after my last HCG shot and tonight i will start my 4 week clomid and nolva regimen. you guys may be thinking that 4 weeks is definitely not enough, especially at 50mg of clomid and 20mg nolva ED, but i think it should be fine. and im only 21 so i should bounce back pretty quick. i'll get bloods 4 weeks after the clomid/nolva run is finished.

im already starting to feel better mentally and thats the most important part for me, the physical weakness i can handle and power through. and i will start lifting and doing cardio again really soon (i had surgery on my hand last month).

my sex drive is even slowly improving, it was terrible when i first dropped the test but day by day. i cant wait to have my body produce test on its own!
You're a farsight from fully recovered. Hopefully most of your natty test will come back, bloods now would be meaningless in my opinion. I'd wait a month after all drugs are ceased, then again in 6 months
I really want to disagree with the 4 weeks pct after this long. Age being irrelevant here. You were suppressed for a LONG LONG time. Whats an extra 2-3 weeks of nolva and clomid? If it gives you that much better of a chance to recover, why not? And if in the end it did nothing for you, you aren't out anything.
I really want to disagree with the 4 weeks pct after this long. Age being irrelevant here. You were suppressed for a LONG LONG time. Whats an extra 2-3 weeks of nolva and clomid? If it gives you that much better of a chance to recover, why not? And if in the end it did nothing for you, you aren't out anything.
yeah i might just do that. what i wrote above is just my current plan.. i have some more clomid and nolva and HCG on the way, i just hope it gets here by the time i need it..
You're a farsight from fully recovered. Hopefully most of your natty test will come back, bloods now would be meaningless in my opinion. I'd wait a month after all drugs are ceased, then again in 6 months
maybe you're misusing that word? be cause i dont really understand what you mean by "farsight". im assuming you just mean that i'm far from being fully recovered? if thats what you mean, i know lol. doesnt take a genius to know that..
I'll eat my hat if it only takes a month for you to recover
get ready to eat your hat because i will

btw guys i just got some more goodies that i ordered. i got an extra 15,000iu of HCG pregnyl, 120 25mg tabs of clomid, and 60 20mg tabs of nolva. im going to extend my clomid nolva regimen from 4 weeks to 6 or maybe even 8, but where should i integrate the HCG? should i just blast it when im done with the clomid/nolva run before i get my bloods?
When I read the title of your thread I thought you'd been off for a year or more and were gonnna tell us about that... but you've been off for a whole 2 weeks?! sorry, but that's just funny

It's gonna take you months, not weeks to recover... and you might not ever fully recover (yes, that is a possibility)

Give us an update after after 6 months or a year...
When I read the title of your thread I thought you'd been off for a year or more and were gonnna tell us about that... but you've been off for a whole 2 weeks?! sorry, but that's just funny

It's gonna take you months, not weeks to recover... and you might not ever fully recover (yes, that is a possibility)

Give us an update after after 6 months or a year...
i dont see how its funny, theres nothing inaccurate about the title, you just interpreted it wrong. and theres no need to state the obvious about the possibility of me not fully recovering, thanks.
It is funny, because 2 weeks doesn't justify calling it a "journey"

Best of luck

Dudes, relax. He literally said first thing, this is a log. Journey meaning long term, so.... He's doing a log of his journey to recovery. Definitely never stated that he was recovered at 2 weeks. Sheesh. So much hate. Not everyone's a complete jackass that comes onto this site.
Dudes, relax. He literally said first thing, this is a log. Journey meaning long term, so.... He's doing a log of his journey to recovery. Definitely never stated that he was recovered at 2 weeks. Sheesh. So much hate. Not everyone's a complete jackass that comes onto this site.

I never said everyone on here is a jackass... but most of the posters in this age group (early 20's) that come on here are... that's not "hating", that's just telling it like it is. That's one of the big problems with today's society, kids are coddled and never taught the word "no" or that participating is just as important as winning hahaha... it's a respect thing, and that's a word MOST 20-somethings just don't get

by using the words "hater" and telling me to relax I can tell you most likely fall into that group as well ;)
get ready to eat your hat because i will

btw guys i just got some more goodies that i ordered. i got an extra 15,000iu of HCG pregnyl, 120 25mg tabs of clomid, and 60 20mg tabs of nolva. im going to extend my clomid nolva regimen from 4 weeks to 6 or maybe even 8, but where should i integrate the HCG? should i just blast it when im done with the clomid/nolva run before i get my bloods?

Lol, you won't. In fact, blasting and cruising for three years starting when you were 19... I'd be surprised if you recover at all. If you do it's gonna take months and months. Even then, your not gonna feel right for probably over a year or so, and that's IF you do recover to above hypo levels.

Good luck to you... but sometimes when you make your bed, you have to sleep in it.
Lol bud u used way too much hcg 700ed? 500 e3d would me much better. And dude u used tren, thats a hard suppresant where did u get that idea?
Just hope for no sides from clomid
At his age you need to see the recovery through, as 22 years old is too young to be on TRT for life. Might take you a couple years to really reset back to normal. After your next round of HCG and clomid, you should also stop these supplements for good. Get Test levels (blood work) done every 3 months. Would love to hear about your extended recovery. Please keep posting every 3 months with your blood levels (Get LH and FSH too). Be honest too, no reason to try and show any one here you were right. I am 48 and have been through an attempted recovery thing 2x before, and it never worked, even after 1+ year and multiple rounds of HCG and clomid, etc. Am on TRT for life. I hope you can recover your natural production, etc. Also will help you have kids some day.....