LiftingWhey8's First Cycle, Journal of AAS Cherry Popping.


New member
Here we go. Starting my first AAS cycle tomorrow. I have done all my pre cycle bloodwork and gotten a clean bill of health from my doc. All my gear/PCT is on hand. Here are my stats and what I have planned:

30 year old Male
215 lbs
14% BF
6-7 years of weight training.


Sustanon 250 2x / week @ 1.5ml (375mg), 750mg/week
Arimidex 0.5mg EOD-I will run this dosage until my first bi weekly blood test and adjust dosage from there.


3 weeks after last injection I will start :
HCG@2500 IU EOD for 4 days
THen 4 days after HCG
Clomid @75/50/50/50 and Nolva @ 40/20/20/20.

I will be updating this thread with results, bi-weekly blood work, pinning experiences, and more. I will also be making a thread regarding nutrition and link to it once created.

Links to my other threads.

Stay tuned for updates....
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Cherry is officially popped. I heard a saying once that said "Do at least one that every day that scares you." I can say that my first ever test injection qualifies for me. I was nervous, slightly scared (you can call me a pussy) , and very excited to get started as this is something I have been wanting to do for years.

Injection was absolutely painless. Didn't feel a thing. It's amazing how much of getting an injection is all mental.

I injected 1.5cc sustanon into my left delt. So far no pip. It's been about an hour.

I also took my. 5 mg arimidex just after the injection and will continue with this dosing eod until blood work is completed in two weeks. Then I will re evaluate.

There was a slight change in plans. I originally planned on pinning 3x per week with total dosing being around 600, but I am changing to 1.5cc 2x per week for a total dose of 750mg per week. I know I'm going. To get flamed for this. But I will be monitoring blood work carefully and if blood levels are wild and I start getting sides I will adjust accordingly. For now this is a big trial run.
No flaming yet friend, it's a breath of fresh air to see someone who finally does a little homework and has their shit together...good job! I will say however, we do like before and after pics! Newbies, please take note....good luck and keep us posted....
No flaming yet friend, it's a breath of fresh air to see someone who finally does a little homework and has their shit together...good job! I will say however, we do like before and after pics! Newbies, please take note....good luck and keep us posted....

Thanks! Will work on getting some before pics up
Did my 2nd pin tonight. Pinned my quad. Shit was kinda fucked up. I'm such a rookie. I feel like it was more painful than the delt. Was still super nervous but I aspirated and it was good to go. Gf watched me do it and she was super supportive and helped me through it. She was a little tripped out but glad that I'm being open with her about it. Well see how the pip is on the quad tomorrow. I feel like it's gonna hurt. Right after I inserted the needle I decided I wanted to elevate my leg. Went to move and instantly realized that was a bad idea lol.
Did my 2nd pin tonight. Pinned my quad. Shit was kinda fucked up. I'm such a rookie. I feel like it was more painful than the delt. Was still super nervous but I aspirated and it was good to go. Gf watched me do it and she was super supportive and helped me through it. She was a little tripped out but glad that I'm being open with her about it. Well see how the pip is on the quad tomorrow. I feel like it's gonna hurt. Right after I inserted the needle I decided I wanted to elevate my leg. Went to move and instantly realized that was a bad idea lol.

I heard that sus hurt more than test E; did my first Test E shot in the quads 2 days ago, I've got some pip, but no big deal, just like if I had a good leg workout. Wondering what yours will look like ;O
Very minor pip in the quad today. Nothing to write home about. To be honest my cloves hurt way more from the super sets the other day. All together it went well and I'll plan on pining quads for a while.
Very minor pip in the quad today. Nothing to write home about. To be honest my cloves hurt way more from the super sets the other day. All together it went well and I'll plan on pining quads for a while.

PIP to me is very individualistic. I enjoy pain but even with that I barely feel any PIP. It feel like I got a weak Charlie horse or something. Anyway I'd suggest getting at least 4 different pinning ovations if only to help minimize concentration of scar tissue. I'm doing quads and glutes and pretty happy with my rotation. And I'm glad you got everything sorted out BEFORE cycling. Many members can learn something from you. There's no rushing with one's health. Take the time and necessary precautions as you did my friend. Now get your ass in the gym and start putting up some weights :D!!
Looking forward to your progress man! My first experience with PIP was test E in both glutes, huge knots in pain and I had to catch a 4 hour flight! After pinning once per spot I was fine. Prop on the other hand seems to be rough on me every time at least for a day or two.
I shook like a leaf the first injection, but learned pretty quickly I looked forward to it. :)
Last night Did my first back and bis routine since starting this cycle. Holy shit. Not even a week in and I'm feeling stronger. Could definitely be placebo, however my pumps were crazy! Is this normal? Also, during deadlifts I got such a pump in my lower back that it was almost slightly painful. Anyone experience this yet?

On a side note, in preparation for this cycle I have done my best to nail down a solid routine and diet over the last 6 - 7months. As a result I have put on a good amount of muscle, probably close to 15 lbs or so, all naturally. So. The funny part is, I have been asked/accused several times of using steroids. All before my cycle started!! Lol. If I put on the size I anticipate, the accusations will really be flying in about a month! Isn't that about what I should expect before I start seeing size and strength increases?
Take taurine powder for the pumps. It helps tremendously. I'm taking about 5g before and after my workouts and have noticed a marked improvement.
Last night Did my first back and bis routine since starting this cycle. Holy shit. Not even a week in and I'm feeling stronger. Could definitely be placebo, however my pumps were crazy! Is this normal? Also, during deadlifts I got such a pump in my lower back that it was almost slightly painful. Anyone experience this yet?

On a side note, in preparation for this cycle I have done my best to nail down a solid routine and diet over the last 6 - 7months. As a result I have put on a good amount of muscle, probably close to 15 lbs or so, all naturally. So. The funny part is, I have been asked/accused several times of using steroids. All before my cycle started!! Lol. If I put on the size I anticipate, the accusations will really be flying in about a month! Isn't that about what I should expect before I start seeing size and strength increases?
If you're getting back pumps it's very likely it's the prop in the Sustanon (sust). Great log so far man, although I do wonder about your higher dosing of the adex. .5mg EOD is a bit on the high side, I don't remember - are you sensitive to estrogen? If you don't have a history of estrogen sensitivity or high aromatase activity, I'd seriously think about cutting down that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to .25mg EOD and seeing how things go.

Yes, you will be getting more stares as people wonder wtf is going on with your body. I personally find it flattering and like to leave them guessing. ;) Oh, and cheers for doc's suggestion on taurine. I can't say enough good things about the stuff! :wiggle:
If you're getting back pumps it's very likely it's the prop in the Sustanon (sust). Great log so far man, although I do wonder about your higher dosing of the adex. .5mg EOD is a bit on the high side, I don't remember - are you sensitive to estrogen? If you don't have a history of estrogen sensitivity or high aromatase activity, I'd seriously think about cutting down that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to .25mg EOD and seeing how things go.

Yes, you will be getting more stares as people wonder wtf is going on with your body. I personally find it flattering and like to leave them guessing. ;) Oh, and cheers for doc's suggestion on taurine. I can't say enough good things about the stuff! :wiggle:

Hmmmm...I wonder who gave me the recommendation ;)