Ligament injury Peptides?


New member
First post here, so flame suit on. I've had a nagging baseball injury in my right elbow for approximately 5 years. It only hurts when I throw hard and for me that's about 85 ish mph. I feel I have some legitimate division 2 dreams if I can square this damage away. I recently stumbled onto this site, and have been lurking for about 2 weeks. My question is, can peptides help me out if this is a tendon/ligament strain issue? I'm an aspiring Physical Therapist and am in the process of sorting/applying for grad school, so i may sound like a hypocrit here, but I'm in search of the fix I wasn't able to get when I was 16 years old. Can somebody point me in the right direction? I've heard IGF-1 should help, but I've never done AAS, or peptides before and I also have never pinned. There should be a sticky for noob questions like this. Thanks in advance!
continue using IGF, Because IGF stands for insulin-like growth factor. It is a natural substance that is produced in the human body and is at its highest natural levels during puberty. During puberty IGF is the most responsible for the natural muscle growth that occurs during these few years. There are many different things that IGF does in the human body; I will only mention the points that would be important for physical enhancement. Among the effects the most positive are increased amino acid transport to cells, increased glucose transport, increased protein synthesis, decreased protein degradation, and increased RNA synthesis.
I know what IGF stands for. Can anybody tell me how or why it will help? Especially in tissue that receives very little (tendons) to zero blood supply (ligament).
continue using IGF, Because IGF stands for insulin-like growth factor. It is a natural substance that is produced in the human body and is at its highest natural levels during puberty. During puberty IGF is the most responsible for the natural muscle growth that occurs during these few years. There are many different things that IGF does in the human body; I will only mention the points that would be important for physical enhancement. Among the effects the most positive are increased amino acid transport to cells, increased glucose transport, increased protein synthesis, decreased protein degradation, and increased RNA synthesis.

I don't know much about peptides but i would think that HGH Frag or something along those lines would be the recommended way to go due to collagen synthesis.

Could you explain futher why IGF is your first suggestion?
HGH frag wont do much... Look into IGF-LR3 and maybe HGH. I have a rotator injury and took IGFLR3 for 4 weeks but didnt notice much, I will increase the dosage tho for another 4 weeks soon. I read up on it and saw that it may promote healing of connective tissues, joints, etc... There are some downsides that you will have to read up on and be aware of and you will have to research/experiment to see what dosage would be good for you.

I took HGH frag for about 6 weeks and didnt notice much change. The only thing I could equate it to is an injectable vitamin, because my immune system was strong while on it (I didnt get sick at all, during flu season). But I did not notice any growth or joint repair.

HGH may be beneficial because it causes growth and you will have to research it further. But some people are saying that the IGFLR3 is more bang for your buck vs. HGH. I dont know, I have not tried HGH.

Hope this helps out some.
HGH frag wont do much... Look into IGF-LR3 and maybe HGH. I have a rotator injury and took IGFLR3 for 4 weeks but didnt notice much, I will increase the dosage tho for another 4 weeks soon. I read up on it and saw that it may promote healing of connective tissues, joints, etc... There are some downsides that you will have to read up on and be aware of and you will have to research/experiment to see what dosage would be good for you.

I took HGH frag for about 6 weeks and didnt notice much change. The only thing I could equate it to is an injectable vitamin, because my immune system was strong while on it (I didnt get sick at all, during flu season). But I did not notice any growth or joint repair.

HGH may be beneficial because it causes growth and you will have to research it further. But some people are saying that the IGFLR3 is more bang for your buck vs. HGH. I dont know, I have not tried HGH.

Hope this helps out some.

What coined of rotator injury was it? If it is a tear nothing will fix that unless you have surgery. Like my cartilage. If I took all the hgh in the world I might grow a third arm but the torn cartilage wouldn't reattach it. Maybe the reason you saw no results is because it is a tear. In which case it won't heal on it's own.

I also will look into igflr3 never heard of it so we I'll see.
Well, I had an MRI done and the doctor said it was not torn. Im not sure, because I feel the pain not him....
Well, I had an MRI done and the doctor said it was not torn. Im not sure, because I feel the pain not him....

That sucks man. Well if it is bursitis then it will go away with time. Go down and get a cordasone shot and hopefully it sorts it self out. Should help for around 3 months. I had them do an arthiogram MRI where they shoot the dye in your shoulder. Just to make sure. I am at week 9 now. That is why i am looking into peptides. Need to get back and going in the gym.
Not sure what others will say about this but I just began using GHRP2 about two weeks ago and it has done wonders for some injuries of mine. I tweaked my peck around christmas time and it had been bothering me for some time. It started getting better soon after I began my GHRP. I also pulled my groin doing lunges last week and decided to inject the GHRP right into the knot. It hurt like hell but I can honestly say it was the fastest recovery of a pulled muscle that I have ever had, and I have pulled many. I am also running it with HGH frag. Might be worth a shot.
I was doing some looking around and found that my shoulder injury may actually be my AC joint, I do not know for sure or the degree but it seems plausible. The doctor said it was not a rotator tear, but never brought up anything about AC separation/tear. He gave me some Vicodin, which I refilled a couple times, and told me to ice it down a lot. This was like 2 years ago, so with it being a continued problem, Im not sure wtf. Maybe I should get a cortisone shot?
I was doing some looking around and found that my shoulder injury may actually be my AC joint, I do not know for sure or the degree but it seems plausible. The doctor said it was not a rotator tear, but never brought up anything about AC separation/tear. He gave me some Vicodin, which I refilled a couple times, and told me to ice it down a lot. This was like 2 years ago, so with it being a continued problem, Im not sure wtf. Maybe I should get a cortisone shot?

You might want to get a second opinion. 2 years and it still hasn't gotten better. Go get an arthiogram MRI. They inject your shoulder with a liquid that allows them to see more. I put up with my shoulder for 3 years. Everyone said I was just too young to have anything serious. Where I wasn't a baseball player no one thought to look at the labrum. (cartilage) if you are young recovery isn't bad after surgery. At 3 months I am back playing basketball. Still it's not 100% yet but it's getting there.

If it was a simple thing like bursitis I would say it would be better by now. Cortisone shot still isn't a bad idea but I think you are dealing with something a little more serious.
It may very well be your AC joint Bro. I seperated my AC joint playin callege ball. The only thing that made it better was a cortisone shot. One of the worst shots in the world but it is hands down amazing. I couldn't do shit with my AC sprain and about 3 days after the shot the pain was gone. I agree with super though, get a second opinion first, something aint right if you've been hurtin for 2 years
I know this was posted a long time ago, but you gotta get an MRI. I'm a baseball pitcher and I've been dealing with a shoulder issue since Oct, 2010. I visited multiple doctors and physios all of them telling me it was tendonitis or bursitis and 'definitely not a tear'. I had three cortisone shots that did nothing, then finally got the dr to reccomend an MRI and sure enough I had a torn labrum and probably made it worse and worse by throwing with it for over 4 months. Doctors can't really tell without an MRI.

I'm having surgery in a couple of weeks, and I've been on this forum looking for the same sort of advice. What can I take to recover properly and quickly? Something for joints that would be better than plain Glucosamine. This IGFLR3 sounds interesting. And the GHRP does as well, though that sounds like it's more for muscle injuries.
IGF-1 is the primary protein involved in responses of cells to growth hormone (GH): that is, IGF-I is produced in response to GH and then induces cellular activities. One such example is muscle growth or hyperplasia. This compound also makes the human body more sensitive to insulin. It is the most potent growth factor found in the human body. IGF-1 causes muscle cell hyperplasia, which is an actual splitting and forming of new muscle cells.

The most effective form of IGF-1 is Long-R3 IGF-1. This formula has been chemically altered to avoid binding to proteins in the human body, and to increase the half life, approximately 20-30 hours.

The polypeptide Long R3 Insulin-like Growth Factor-I IGF-1 LR3) is an 83 amino acid analog of IGF-I actually comprising the complete IGF-1 sequence but with the substitution of an Arginine (Arg) for the Glutamic Acid (Glu) at position 3, as well as a 13 amino acid extension peptide. This sequence change causes IGF-1 to avoid binding to proteins and allow it to have a much longer half life, around 20-30 hours. This analog of IGF-1 has been produced with the purpose of increasing the biological activity of the IGF peptide.***8221; IGF stands for insulin-like growth factor. Among the effects the most positive are increased amino acid transport to cells, increased glucose transport, increased protein synthesis, and decreased protein degradation. When IGF is active it behaves differently in different types of tissues. In muscle cells proteins and associated cell components are stimulated. Protein synthesis is increased along with amino acid absorption. As a source of energy, IGF mobilizes fat for use as energy in adipose tissue. In lean tissue, IGF prevents insulin from transporting glucose across cell membranes. As a result the cells have to switch to burning off fat as a source of energy. IGF-1 builds new muscle tissue by promoting nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. This causes the growth of muscles through both hyperplasia (which is an increase in number of muscle cells) and mitogenesis (which is the actual growth of new muscle fibers). Thus IGF-1 not only makes muscle fibers bigger, it makes more of them as well.
i dont know any of specifics of how stuff works but i have either the same injury you have or a torn tendon in my left elbow. happened probly 2 weeks ago. i have been using ghrp-6 and it is dramatically better already. I have been told it will take up to two months to heal. like you as of now i only feel it when i get really into my exercises. not just day to day all the time when i move it.