lipo 6 - hers


Hello ladies,

my gf is sted-fast on taking some sort of 'fat burner' because she has a skewed self image when she looks in the mirror. i am trying to slowly curb her diet (which is moderately clean as is); i have her going to the gym with me almost daily (when shes not in school), but she still insists that she takes a fat burner...i have tried to research on my own for a 'female friendly fat burner'; not to sound shovanistic...

can anyone give me advise on lipo 6 hers, or any other fat burner that i can get for her that wont speed her heart rate or cause any adverse sides?

thank you
Almost any fat burner out there will speed up her heart rate. If she wants to lose fat she has to get her metabolism going. Clean food along with thermogenesis...(snacking on something at all times) will help her.

She should also be on a weight program along with cardio and stretching.

Most women want to lose fat but they aren't willing to do the work.

Lipo 6 is definately one of the best fat burners out gets rave reviews for sure. That is the one fat burner I would try for sure. Hot rox has also gotten some good reviews. But fat burners won't work without a clean diet and strict training program.

Tell her to join here and post her diet or to even start a training journal so we can all follow her progress and help her out!
thank you for the help. I am working with her on her diet. She definitely puts in the work at the gym when we go; but her diet is her weak spot. i'll try to get her diet logged and posted so we can get feeback.

thanks again