Liquid ancillaries confusion??


New member
I have tamoxifen citrate(nolva) and exemestane (aromasin)

im doing 500mg of test per week and these ancillaries just arrived and im confused because theyre liquid which i wasnt expecting

I was thinking
week 1-10 test e 500mg
weeks 3-10 aromasin (exemestane)
12-16 nolvadex at 40/40/20/20

How do you guys think I should dose these guys now since they are liquid? is it different then tablets?

also im 20 years old and 20% bf, juicing to increase lean mass after extreme weight loss and being in a catabolic state for tooo long
u are still kind of young to be juicing man , your body isnt finished developing yet . not a good choice , however , liquid chems are exactly the same as oral meds and tabs . u just swallow the liquid and dose it the exact same . no difference , they are legit
I know im young but building muscle is a very slow tedious process I just thought id give myself a little boost on the journey to a healthier lifestyle and maybe take another shot much later in the future

Thanks for the help
You should start the aromasin from day 1 of the cycle. Stane usually comes in 25mg/ml so play with the dose to see what works for you but alot of guys start with 12.5mg eod. So you would do .5cc eod and adjust according to how you feel to that dose.
dude i wouldnt do that , u realy shouldnt be cycling . putting it in water like that isnt the best way to take a dose , u will lose some . it wont be accurate . just take it under your tongue alone an swallow it . thats what she says