Liquid Clen Dosage 200mcg/1ml


New member
I just ordered some Liquid Clen dosed at 200mcg/30ml. What would be the easiest way to measure out 40mcg? I have 1ml syringes but I heard it's easier to measure with an 10ui insulin syringe, can someone help me out here? Thanks!
For starters, the average insulin syringe is also 1mL in volume, so there is no difference with regards to measuring out liquid. (10 units = 1/10 of a milliliter)

Let's do some math!

If 1ml = 200mcg, that means that for every 1/10th we have 200/10 = 20mcg per 0.1 on your oral syringe. if it's 20mcg per tenth of a milliliter (or 10 units for those wanting to use insulin needles), and we want 40mcg, we find that 40/20 per tenth (0.1/10 units) = 2 tenths/0.2/20 units. Therefore, you should be drawing to the 0.2 line on your oral syringe for 40mcg of clenbuterol.

Easy peasy. ;)

My .02c :)