Liquid Nolvadex (L-nol)


Experienced bodybuilder
How do I use this? Just one dropper under the tounge this equals 25mg and then swallow the stuff.....right?

PM me or just answer directly please.
After a while, if you don't mix it with something other than water, you'll end up burning your tongue like I did.

Liquid nolva is super strong. Tastes like rubbing alcohol. Hell, it's worse than that.

I would mix it with a little OJ, maybe 3 ounces or so.

I hate sugar, so that's why I said such a low amount of juice.

I don't put it under my tongue. I try to get it down my throat as fast as possible. :insane2:
i agree with richgenetics man... water is fine. sip some water and leavve it in oyur mouth do the dropper and swaloow it man and suck it up a small price u have to pay to be beautiful hahaha i think liquid aromasin is much worse tasting thoguh
bro juss get a medicine dropper that measures out in mL its simple . i got one from like drug mart or something it helps you measure out and dose down. so you dont have to eye it out
i used a syringe without the pin. i squirt it all the way in the back of my throat and pour water down after it. tastes like satan's semen but it works.
RichGenetics said:
After a while, if you don't mix it with something other than water, you'll end up burning your tongue like I did.

Liquid nolva is super strong. Tastes like rubbing alcohol. Hell, it's worse than that.

I would mix it with a little OJ, maybe 3 ounces or so.

I hate sugar, so that's why I said such a low amount of juice.

I don't put it under my tongue. I try to get it down my throat as fast as possible. :insane2:

i did this as well, smartest way to do it IMO. just plug ure nose and take er down...

"satan's semen" lol thats about right!