Little Help


Keeping it Real
Ok, I have been reading these forums for a while now but this is my first time posting so a little introduction.
Im in my late 20's now and have done several AAS cycles now with great success (I usualy only do one a year but do it properly, training logged, diet ect)

I have recently given peptides a go but have come upon some conflicting information. I currently have
10 mg GHRP6
2mg Ipamorolin
3mg IGF1-lr3
2mg MGF
1mg IGF DES 1,3
100mg AICAR
And I am currently waiting on 6mg of MOD GRF (1-29)

I am open to any ideas on how to stack these peps.

Here in lies my delema, Im an Aussie and its near impossible to get bac water over here(the idea of making it myself makes my head explode) and I mixed up a 5mg vial of GHRP6 and 2mg vial of Ipamorolin with injection water 0.9% sodium chloride. I have been told that this will fuck the ph balance of my peps up and they wont last a week. Therefor I have been bumping 200mcg of GHRP6 3/day and 200mcg of Ipamorolin before bed (as to not induce too much hunger)pinned at least 3 hours appart. I know 100mcg is the saturation dose but I just want to use all these peps before they are rendered useless and I hear that the extra 100mcg will give and extra 50% to the GH pulse of the peps(better than nothing). Also the GHRP6 hasant been making me as hungry as what everyone says. I get more of a wierd feeling in my stomach and a little hunger, even when I pinned the first one after recon.

I got the AICAR because im very interested in the cardiovascular effects as im into sport. Not to sure If turning fast twich into slow twitch is such a good idea for lean mass and stregnth though(even if slow twitch fibres burn more calories). However there is even less info on this particular pep on dosage(possibly10-20mg a day, possibly way more), recon, when to pinn, sub/q or IM. Need a big help on this one.

My stats -
5 10"
82kg - 84kg (fluctuates week to week)
Around 10% bodyfat(have visible abbs)

I train 6 days a week twice a day, stregnth training in mornings and some cardio in the afternoon.
I dont count calories any more, I have in the past with good results but I have trained for 10 years now and I know what to eat for my body to stay lean. My diet is fairly clean all year round these days

My goals are the basics really. Gain strengh and a little muscle, but to loose body fat even more.

Appreciate any advise positive or negatice the pros can give me, cheers
my suggestion is to do some blood work before starting, should cost 40 bucks to test your hgh or your igf levels. i can promise you that after starting your baseline results will be the same,..hgh peptides are a scam...i have never seen a single blood test come back with even close to the elevated hgh and igf levels displayed in the real cjc trials, as a matter of fact, iv never seen a blood test come back elevated at all.

with the amount of money you spent you can certainly spend 40 bucks on a test. if you already started you can still get a test and see if your hgh and/or igf is even in the high range at all because if the stuff you bought was any good, you should be completely out of the reference range.

i almost certain that your hgh and igf levels will prove normal and it will be clear you wasted your money but at least you will be posting more proof and we can make it a little harder for these guys to rob our actually pissed because i would honestly buy and use cjc and ghrp every day for life for anti aging but i will not throw my money away when all the evidence i have seen to date online tells me its garbage... im not talking about people who imagine gains or claim their hands swelled, im talking about a blood test that even shows the slightest increase in hgh and all online tests show zero! its amazing with the amount of people who have tried this, there arnt more people willing to spend just 40 more dollars to prove what they are spending so much money on is even doing what its supposed to.
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Yeah, some bloodwork sounds good. Do I go to a regular GP for that? I hear your local needle exchange can do them too? I hate getting ripped off as well. Have learnt so valuble lessons with some bad experiences with so bad aas deals in the past, and it shits me throwing money down the drain. I recently doubled one of my shots of ghrp6 to 400mcg to see if it increased my hunger and it did, but its not like i need to go into a feeding frenzy or anything. I hate ambigues symptoms like this.

What about IGF!-lr3?? I heard in another post that someones bloods came back 200points higher than base level.

And have heard about some good thing regarding AICAr and GW1516, why else would they be on a sporting banned substance list??

Anyone else have bloods done regarding peps out there???
no, these peptides work, its just that what the majority of sellers sell fake or underdosed chit. no seller is gonna take me up on my offer to trial their cjc 1295/ ghrp-2 combo and then get tested, it would take a total investment of them of no more than 20 bucks and i would report my results and i would be a buyer for life and i plan i testing once every 2 months and i would continue to post my blood work... based on cjc trials, my numbers should be in the very high range and once my blood work was seen, no one would use hgh anymore if you could use a legal , cheap substance to get those numbers but im betting its all fake. no company wants to be exposed, its laughable that so many people inject themselves with something and they have no idea what it is or if its even working. im betting 90 percent of the positive posts on forums are sellers , its a scam imo and i challenge any seller to prove me wrong.