dbol only ? I say hell yes !
Normally I just read these posts with no reply.today I feel like giving my 2 cents.I am no guru,but I be done research for 20 plus years and every one of my buds is on gear for many years.I agree with most of the theory on,"dbol only cycles",but here is my arguement.first off I m a pin sissy.lol ten years or so back, I was 5ft 8,155 lbs and super lean and shreaded.I could not gain mass no matter what.I ate like a madman,downed more proteins than a lot and pushed iron like a manic.against everyone's advice I did 40 mg of dbol for 6 weeks and used clomid as a pct.I gained 18 lbs and kept 10 lbs of solid rock muscle.I figured,not bad.I did this two more times over the years .the last time adding pro viron.(a friends suggestion).my second 6 week cycle at 40 mg end,I gained 13 lbs and kept 8 lbs.my third cycle (about a year ago)same story,40 mg ed with pro iron and clomid,another 18 lbs and kept only 10 lbs.the cycles were all months to years apart,but let me tell you this,I gained mad,rock hard muscle and kept a lot of it.I am much bigger and still,super ripped.my point,everyone is different.your diet,proteins intake and how you handle your health after the cycle means everything.after the cycles ,I worked out very hard and took my calorie intake higher than on cycle,proteins also.I m not saying anyone is wrong,I m just saying.I did it .