little question about dianabol


New member
Hey guys, my question is, is it point to take dianabol (russian dbol 5mg) 4 weeks and like this

1 week: 15mg
2 week: 20mg
3 week: 20mg
4 week: 15mg

it's pointless cycle ?
to take only 4 weeks and small dose like i wrote? surely i gain something but i lose my gains ? because cycle is too short ?
Hey guys, my question is, is it point to take dianabol (russian dbol 5mg) 4 weeks and like this

1 week: 15mg
2 week: 20mg
3 week: 20mg
4 week: 15mg

it's pointless cycle ?
to take only 4 weeks and small dose like i wrote? surely i gain something but i lose my gains ? because cycle is too short ?
ehh.... I might be wrong. But I see absolutely no point at all in doing a 4week cycle. And those doses wont do much good. Minimum recommended was 50mg I thought.
And still, no mention about AIs or PCT?

More importantly: what are ur stats?
minimum 50mg for beginner ? i'm 18

weight is ~85kg
height 191 cm
fat % dont know but low
i train 4x a week i eat ~ 200g protein a day, i think i eat 250g or over when i do dbol cycle

maybe 6 week is better idea ?

1 week: 15mg
2 week: 15mg
3 week: 20mg
4 week: 20mg
5 week: 15mg
6 week: 15mg
minimum 50mg for beginner ? i'm 18

weight is ~85kg
height 191 cm
fat % dont know but low
i train 4x a week i eat ~ 200g protein a day, i think i eat 250g or over when i do dbol cycle

maybe 6 week is better idea ?

1 week: 15mg
2 week: 15mg
3 week: 20mg
4 week: 20mg
5 week: 15mg
6 week: 15mg

If you're 18yo it's in your best interests to wait before getting in AAS if any kind. Take the time to get your training on point, talk to 3J about diet (he's the diet king) or make a thread in the diet section for general help, and study about AAS so when you're older you can use them safely.
Low dose and very short duration. You could expect a solid water gain, noticeable strength gain, some muscle while using. If you want to do dbol only cycle go minimum 6 weeks tapering up to roughly 40-50mg depending how good your dbol is. Even after 6 wk and 40-50mg keeping the gains will highly depend on your genetics and how fast you recover and balance out your hormonal levels. Training, resting and eating right and sufficient on cycle and after is a must. Having an AI would be good if not nolvadex in case of a gyno is a must. Liv52 for your liver would also be good.
How old are you I bet 20 or younger.You need to do some research before just taking some dbol man stuffs serious ,just saying that's all
it wont do alot, the bulgarian olympic team back in the 70s took 10mg a day year round,,gold was won
Pct is used to quickly restart natural test production so why go up in mg just to taper back down. Do not taper down, do not do a low dose unless you are doing it over the duration of a year. Start at 30 mg taper up to 50mg if no sides then coast. You will have to run a ai. You do need a test base. You will need a very well thought out pct.
Hey guys, my question is, is it point to take dianabol (russian dbol 5mg) 4 weeks and like this

1 week: 15mg
2 week: 20mg
3 week: 20mg
4 week: 15mg

it's pointless cycle ?
to take only 4 weeks and small dose like i wrote? surely i gain something but i lose my gains ? because cycle is too short ?

Answer to your question, yes. Yes it is a pointless cycle to use Dbol at those dosages, for a first cycle and for that duration.

Wait until you are 25
Research beginner cycles - e.g. Testosterone only for 12 weeks
You need PCT after any cycle - Nolvadex and Clomid - to be taken once your cycle has finished, not during.
an A.I. should also be taken during your cycle - most popular seems to be Adex.

There are countless threads and stickys on here, discussing all the reasons why oral only cycles are shit.
dbol only ? I say hell yes !

Normally I just read these posts with no I feel like giving my 2 cents.I am no guru,but I be done research for 20 plus years and every one of my buds is on gear for many years.I agree with most of the theory on,"dbol only cycles",but here is my arguement.first off I m a pin ten years or so back, I was 5ft 8,155 lbs and super lean and shreaded.I could not gain mass no matter what.I ate like a madman,downed more proteins than a lot and pushed iron like a manic.against everyone's advice I did 40 mg of dbol for 6 weeks and used clomid as a pct.I gained 18 lbs and kept 10 lbs of solid rock muscle.I figured,not bad.I did this two more times over the years .the last time adding pro viron.(a friends suggestion).my second 6 week cycle at 40 mg end,I gained 13 lbs and kept 8 third cycle (about a year ago)same story,40 mg ed with pro iron and clomid,another 18 lbs and kept only 10 lbs.the cycles were all months to years apart,but let me tell you this,I gained mad,rock hard muscle and kept a lot of it.I am much bigger and still,super point,everyone is different.your diet,proteins intake and how you handle your health after the cycle means everything.after the cycles ,I worked out very hard and took my calorie intake higher than on cycle,proteins also.I m not saying anyone is wrong,I m just saying.I did it .