Loggers Needed! Celtic Labs/Pure Oils Trestolone Acetate!

Interested in the trestobol. Currently on test/tren a run 8% bf. Pm'd you guys before but stop receiving responses.
I'm ready. 2 weeks in to test prop and dbol. Just finished prop and pinning ultradex150 by sciroxx. 50mg prop,50mg tren ace,50mg masteron

I wouldn't mind running this 4-6 weeks at the end of my cycle
I'm interested in trying the trestobol. Got a few questions I'm gonna shoot you in a pm.

ETA that I would run it solo.
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Everyone who has responded to the thread so far is in!

Please PM me a name and address for shipping.

and remind me which product you were interested in.
im interested, pm sent.. gonna run Cyp 300mg TrenA 500 + trest .. that would be a good start to my bulk phase after I finish this diet
I'm currently in the middle of a 16 week cut cycle. Would love to try trestolone as a finisher ! I would be ready to start it in just2-3 weeks.
will we get a response back from the PM ? i would hope so considering we gave personal information

Don't worry guys, if you sent a PM you'll most likely be receiving product. I think we're only looking for 25 guys, but still, that's a lot of opportunity for product.