Loggers Needed! Celtic Labs/Pure Oils Trestolone Acetate!

No problem brother. We cover 4-5 forums, so sometimes it takes us a little while to respond. We do try to remain as active as possible though!
Hey, guys. I've been popping to check my PMs and I feel like I had more posts ITT than I had PMs so I've been waiting on stragglers...

I'll PM everyone a confirmation tonight and turn over the addresses I have so far so the early birds can get their gear.

I still have a lot more to give out so please keep the apps coming.
OK Everyone who sent me a good entry got a PM from me saying "Your entry has been received"

Several people did not specify if they wanted oral trest (trestobol) or trestolone in sterile oil...

I still have 21 bottles of Trestobol and 23 Trestolone in sterile oil (20mL 50mg/mL) that I can give out...

i would like to try the injectable version. currently running a gram of test and 400 mg deca.
47 years old, around 15% bf
Well my logs up and rolling on my stash. I bumped it up to 50mg a day. Was kinda hoping to run it longer than 20days at 50mg. 40days would be a much better gauge and if bloods are looking good, I'd prolly just order some more and extend it for a full 10-12 weeks.
Lmk what happens.
When are you going to ship my friend ?

Sorry for the hiatus guys. The higher ups are all busy working on our new store front and this has, apparently, gotten delayed a little. I'm trying to get more info to pass along to you guys. I'll post as soon as I have news.
I've been out of the gym for almost two years now... And, I want to go back with a vengeance. I was going to hit up a full blown cycle. But, if your still looking for someone to test out your injectable product, count me in... I'd be a good test subject, because I haven't been on anything for two years now. I have experience with almost every product legal and otherwise out there... So, I will be able to review it, and compare to the real deal....

Let me know...