Loggers Needed! Celtic Labs/Pure Oils Trestolone Acetate!

As for logs, if you received an Oral and are logging it, it should be done in the Celtic Labs sub forum, when you receive the oils the log should be placed in the pure oils sub forum.

Thank you. I'll get my log up tonight. Three days in & I can already tell a difference.
Dam a lot of impatient people for something that's free. Kinda like vultures haha. Isn't just another ph? If so you guys should look into warriorlabz.
Their impatience is fully understandable, Nostrum kind of fore fronted this giveaway so he knows more then the rest of us. But we are spread kind of thin across a couple boards we picked up all at once, and the reps were not used to the volume but we are formulating a proper strategy to give everyone the needed attention.

Again I haven't specifically heard from Nostrum regarding the promo, I did let him know there were questions directed to him in the thread, I'm not 100% what is holding him up, but his activity isn't just against ology, he has been quiet across all the boards, I will let him know again so we can give you all better service, because you deserve better and we can give you better.

As for Warrior Labs, anything that contains their Deca compound is illegal, that compound is a schedule 3 anabolic steroid, it originally had a nomenclature error for a 13a ethyl function that has been corrected to the 13b ethyl(18 methyl).
First cycle

been bulking for a year and a half. Done tons of research. I ready for my first cycle. What I have planned is

Test E 500mg week1-12
dbol 40mg week 1-5
adex .5mg eod week1-5, .25mg eod week 6-14
hcg 500iu week 5-14
clomid week 14-18 50/50/50/50/25
Nolva week 14-17 40/20/20/10

Caber on hand

I would use the trest acetate in place of the dbol.