Looking for a Methyl PH cycle opinions


New member
Hey guys. I would like to get some opinions from you guys on my personal layout before starting it up. I appreciate your comments.

Quick Background:
41 years
Body Fat 15%, 179lb, 5ft 10inch
Love weights since 18th, been on and off since then, the last 3 years I keep the diet (3J) and training, but every year feels more difficult to get or keep size.
Goal: gaining lean size and lose a small % Body fat

I have 2 bottles of 2, 17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one (methylstenbolone) 90 capsules each.

Here's my planned setup:

Caloric intake I will follow my personalized 3J bulking diet (greatest advice ever)
Workout 5 days/week

Weeks 1-2: Preload
2g fish oil
Joint repair (glucosamine 100g)
Cardo Mariano Milk thistle 600mg
I also have silimarine pharmacy grade, should I include until PCT?

Week 3-8:
20mg methylstenbolone- 10mg at morning and 10mg at noon (I will use just one bottle)
Joint repair
fish oil
10g Taurine
Cardo Mariano Milk thistle 600mg

Weeks 9-12: PCT
Nolva (Tamoxifen Citrate) 20/20/20/10
Clomid 100/50/50/50
fish oil
Cardo Mariano Milk thistle 600mg
Vitamin C 1000mg

Thanks for taking the time to help me out it is much appreciated
looks pretty good only thing I would add is cycle support pick up a bottle of mr supps tudca everything else looks solid
looks pretty good only thing I would add is cycle support pick up a bottle of mr supps tudca everything else looks solid

TUDCA is a must for every cycle, especially when using orals.

I just heard that this Thursday coming up, mrsupps.com is having a HUGE sale. It's going to be Black Friday all November long (Black November I think they are calling it (no racist!)). :D

I don't know if TUDCA will be on sale, but there will be some incredible deals. BOGO on a couple PHs, super cheap Yo-Whey (whey protein with frozen yogurt for digestive enzymes), old bottle design of Forma Stanzol (same formula as the new one) will be deeply discounted too.

Some stuff will be half price. $10, $20, even up to $40 off many items. Pretty sure it will be their biggest sale ever. I'm sure you already know (mich29), but for everyone else, start saving now because you'll want to stock up at these prices. I love getting stuff on sale and I hate paying full price. When I see things on sale that I use, I stock up.
First of all, thanks for the recommendation, your comments are much appreciated, I was reading about TUDCA and as both mention, is basic for any oral cycle (500mg its ok during the cycle/PCT?).

I would also like to know you comments about NAC, looks like its also something that everybody need to include during PH oral cycle (1000mg during cycle/PCT?) ..

And thanks for the advice about the sales on Mr.Supp. I ready to get both (TUDCA and NAC).. and if i find it cheaper will be great.... :)
I would focus on losing some BF before you cycle man. Things will go a lot better.

he's only 15%, not 25%. And it sounds like he is on the right track with that with having a coach and a customized plan. As long as he holds the course and listens to his coach he will be fine.

OP, as far as NAC, I don't think it's as important as TUDCA. It's main use is to give to patients who overdose on Tylenol, for a detox. It has some antioxidant benefits in that it may raise glutathione levels. IMO phosphatidylcholine is more important. You already have the milk thistle, which is great.
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First of all, thank you all for your opinions, you're right, I would like to go down to 11% BF to start the cycle, but in my understanding and due methylstenbolone don***8217;t retain water, I guess it is possible with a clean diet, not add too much water and body fat, my idea is to maintain a diet as clean as possible; My plan is start with a PH cycle then wait a couple of months, take some blood test and start in March a Test E cycle (Actually I have 27 amp w/250mg Test E pharmaceutical grade, but I want to get 23 more to get enough for 2 cycles during 2015) .. My main concern is my work (Op. mgr), I love lift and as everybody I want to make gains, but in my case, step by steps, I mean I can***8217;t shows a 20 or 30 lbs gain on 3 months without getting criticism.. unfortunately most people associate testosterone with cheating and judge you without knowing that most people who love lift enough to take a risk, it***8217;s because they are the people most dedicated and sacrificed 24 hours day, 7 days a week, 265 days a year and even more when they are on a cycle. Thanks for the review of the NAC and TUDCA, I f you have any other comments will be appreciated to make a safe gains.
I've always noticed PHs have a symbiotic synergy with your genetics (kind of like supplements for your genetics), compared to generic steroids that have been around for a while, I ran Helladrol twice and both times it was a fantastic run, ran dbol and anavar, and they were so-so, compared to test they are nothing but juiced up supplements.