Looking for a ph cycle for a bulk soon

big bangs

New member
Hey guys like the title says Im looking for some phs that would help me gain size along with my diet and rigorous training. I have no experience with phs or AAS before. However Ive been doing a lot of research on both for 2 years. Ive heard Epistane has Var- like effects but thats only what i heard. I also know that DMZ is pretty good for mass also. I want some good input. Heres what I'm looking for:

SIZE (number 1 concern)
Strength (strength = size and why not have a better max :)
a little water retention
aggression! is another big one, gotta have that!

* Im fine with a little water retention * I plan on doing a pct with pharma grade anti estros and use armidex throughout. Im not sure what protocol to run though for pct and how often/how much to take armidex.

thanks guys!
Hey guys like the title says Im looking for some phs that would help me gain size along with my diet and rigorous training. I have no experience with phs or AAS before. However Ive been doing a lot of research on both for 2 years. Ive heard Epistane has Var- like effects but thats only what i heard. I also know that DMZ is pretty good for mass also. I want some good input. Heres what I'm looking for:

SIZE (number 1 concern)
Strength (strength = size and why not have a better max :)
a little water retention
aggression! is another big one, gotta have that!

* Im fine with a little water retention * I plan on doing a pct with pharma grade anti estros and use armidex throughout. Im not sure what protocol to run though for pct and how often/how much to take armidex.

thanks guys!

mrsupps has a ton of supplements along wit ph's that will help you wit your goal what are your stats?
Hey guys like the title says Im looking for some phs that would help me gain size along with my diet and rigorous training. I have no experience with phs or AAS before. However Ive been doing a lot of research on both for 2 years. Ive heard Epistane has Var- like effects but thats only what i heard. I also know that DMZ is pretty good for mass also. I want some good input. Heres what I'm looking for:

SIZE (number 1 concern)
Strength (strength = size and why not have a better max :)
a little water retention
aggression! is another big one, gotta have that!

* Im fine with a little water retention * I plan on doing a pct with pharma grade anti estros and use armidex throughout. Im not sure what protocol to run though for pct and how often/how much to take armidex.

thanks guys!

I ran Super DMZ 2.0 last year and it worked like a charm although I hadnt done much research so I didn't keep much of my gains because I took no AI while on or any type of PCT afterwards. If you use DMZ be safe its pretty powerful but with proper PCT,Liver Support,and an AI on hand you should be good to go.
I ran Super DMZ 2.0 last year and it worked like a charm although I hadnt done much research so I didn't keep much of my gains because I took no AI while on or any type of PCT afterwards. If you use DMZ be safe its pretty powerful but with proper PCT,Liver Support,and an AI on hand you should be good to go.

What pct do you feel would be sufficiet as far as clomy/nolva for dmx and another compound like dimethandrostenol?
Oxandrovar is what I most recently used. I limited my carbs to 150/day but still made pretty lean gains.

If u hit the whey/creatine/dextrose up well id imagine you could really put on weight.

Use liver support and a serm in pct. Hcgenerate was useful as well.
Oxandrovar is what I most recently used. I limited my carbs to 150/day but still made pretty lean gains.

If u hit the whey/creatine/dextrose up well id imagine you could really put on weight.

Use liver support and a serm in pct. Hcgenerate was useful as well.

Oxandrovar is a good one. It would be a great compound to use on a recomp.
and dont forget its about diet first then compounds... make sure your diet issupporting your goals
100 grams of carbs post work out is nuts. I didn't eat that many carbs post work out even when I was taking 10iu of insulin post work out and I put on a lot of muscle when Bulking. I weight 262 at 6'1''. I'd focus on get 45 grams of Whey isolate in your belly within 15 minutes of finishing your workout then get a full meal with an hour. You have a 15 minute wind to restore up to 76% of the glycogen use working out. If you mis it then you have canabalized you muscles. It's really 80% Diet. I recommend to anyone spending the money to have a professional Diet put together.
100 grams of carbs post work out is nuts. I didn't eat that many carbs post work out even when I was taking 10iu of insulin post work out and I put on a lot of muscle when Bulking. I weight 262 at 6'1''. I'd focus on get 45 grams of Whey isolate in your belly within 15 minutes of finishing your workout then get a full meal with an hour. You have a 15 minute wind to restore up to 76% of the glycogen use working out. If you mis it then you have canabalized you muscles. It's really 80% Diet. I recommend to anyone spending the money to have a professional Diet put together.
the man speaks!!! for those of you who dont know DPR is a diet guru himself!! much respected by many, including myself!
Ironflex or Olympus over at orbit nutrition. They both have great dimeth products and epi. I'd use epi for your first run. Save dmz for later.
Nasty Mass by IronFlex seems to fit the bill!

I know people who have used Epistane + Hdrol and saw very nice results.
I would go with Epi or DMZ. We here at orbit have a great selection with a nice discount code too.

both solid options.

I didnt realize this was OPs first cycle. OP, do not take Nasty Mass as your first cycle. Take something like Epistane. Brawn is around 25 bucks and comes with 15mg caps (90 caps in the entire bottle) whereas most Epi products have 10mg caps (90 in the bottle) for the same price or more. More bang for your buck with IronFlex Brawn.

I would run it 30mg for the first 3 weeks then 45 the last 3 weeks (assuming you are doing a 6 week cycle).