Looking for advice for a lean cycle

Okay thanks for all the help.
So 200mg test e/ 150mg primo E ?? And should I run Adex with this this?

No no.. In this situation your primo is your compound and test is your base. You need like 450-600 mg a week of primo, if your doing a low test base of 200-300 mg test..
150 mg of primo eod, but not 150 per week

You run an AI, IMO, on any cycle to keep e2 in check
Any cycle can be a lean cycle. I can cut on a fucking gram of test and 100 mgs of DBOL. Diet is where your ticket is at brother. Need proof, check my journal.
Any cycle can be a lean cycle. I can cut on a fucking gram of test and 100 mgs of DBOL. Diet is where your ticket is at brother. Need proof, check my journal.

Agreed, If the OP is having trouble blowing up on test then I suspect he failed to take an AI or properly administer it. Also I don't know too many 23 year old that have their diet in check. Not saying you don't but a poor diet on test can blow you up as well. If I were you I would learn how to manage E properly and give test at 12 weeks on its own a go with D bol up front for 6 weeks.
Test prop I find to be better personally for this. Test should be the base of all cycles in my opinion. I wouldn't use eq in place of a test ester. If u dnt mind the extra pinning prop at 150mg every 2nd day wouldn't bloat u as much as 500-600 of enanthate/cypionate. I'm a fan of short esters though , however u could also use npp with that , which would get a nice lean bulk going on but I'm pretty sure if ur face is getting bloated on test, either ur doing no cardio or diet is a bit wonky. If it were me id run test prop 150mg, npp 100mg every 2nd day, throw in sth like anavar perhaps but shouldn't be totally neccesary. If u wanna run long esters with a long cycle u could use primo at about 700mg if u can afford it.